Does theme feature work similar on mobile application

2 weeks ago

We are trying to configure mobile application and visually make it similar to the nopcommerce web application with a customized theme. Nopcommerce web provides very powerful theme support and when I check the code on mobile application I see themes/nopcommerce folder quite similar to the web version. However, when I check the mobile application documentation I couldn't find anything for customization of the theme on mobile application. Is there any override mechanism for themes over features/presentation files? Should we need to edit features/presentation files in order to make visual changes on mobile application?

Best regards,
2 weeks ago

The theme in the mobile app cannot currently be integrated from the web version. You need to make changes on your own to realize the view you need.

But I want to show you a direction that will serve as a good starting point in modernizing the visual appearance. During the development of the mobile app, the ability to change the color scheme of the app was built in, as it is built on design tokens (fonts are also tied to them).

This means that you can create design tokens using the official Figma plugin. This way you can generate any theme you need.