Is there a good way to customize the footer of social icons?

3 weeks ago
I tried to modify this image directly .\Themes\DefaultClean\Content\images\social-sprite.png It works, but the resolution is affected by the new image alignment. It’s also difficult to be precise
I need change Instagram to Line.
3 weeks ago
I use this URL to create my own sharethis, which contains the "Line"
Then just paste the generated code into /Admin/Setting/Catalog and you're done.

But I spent a lot of time trying to formulate follow us. It doesn’t seem that simple. Can anyone provide experience? Thanks.
2 weeks ago
Sorry, let me ask again, because I have never found a good method. Has anyone used other icons such as "LINE" for this part?
2 weeks ago
The css that is used to display the social icons has the information you need to make your update more precise. The css is located here, Themes\DefaultClean\Content\css\styles.css and styles.rtl.css.

Each of the icons in the social image need to be 38 x 38 pixels. The size should be precise, no single icon should be more than 38 x 38 pixels, and the overall length of the combined image should not be more than 190 pixels, and the over height should remain at 38 pixels. There should be no extra space around any icon or at the end or the beginning of the image.

Below is the css used by nop to pull out each icon from the image...

.follow-us .social a {
  display: block;
  width: 38px;
  height: 38px;
  background: url('../images/social-sprite.png') no-repeat;
  font-size: 0;

.follow-us .social .facebook a {
  background-position: 0 0;

.follow-us .social .twitter a {
  background-position: -38px 0;

.follow-us .social .rss a {
  background-position: -76px 0;

.follow-us .social .youtube a {
  background-position: -114px 0;

.follow-us .social .instagram a {
  background-position: -152px 0;

I hope this helps :)
1 week ago
Thank you for finding the solution. The way you provided should be the easiest way at present.
Just thinking that such a great system would be solved in this way still gives me a bit of indigestion!!