When entering the checkout, the address cannot be edited normally ??

3 weeks ago
I think this problem is just setting the problem, but I have been stuck for a long time, so please ask you to help

I can't find the reason. Why can't I enter the editor normally after the "Edit" address at this point, and jump out of Checkout immediately in less than half a second when I saw the editor.

I tried V4.70 many times without normal. At the same time, I also tested the docker v4.70.1 clean test environment, but still not ok ,always.
tks a lot!
3 weeks ago
What theme are you using ?
If not DefaultClean then switch to this theme and see if you still have the problem
3 weeks ago
Just use default theme , and try http://localhost:5000 is work fine .... but only at https://mydomain.com had trouble...

Oh!! I opened the console in the browser to check. It may be the problem here, but how to set these values ​​in IIS?
Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: 'run-ad-auction'.
Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: 'join-ad-interest-group'.
Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: 'browsing-topics'.

and this
        GET https://static.cloudflareinsights.com/beacon.min.js/vef91dfe02fce4ee0ad053f6de4f175db1715022073587 net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT
3 weeks ago
Oh, I found the answer. If you use Cloudflare reverse proxy, you must set it here https://one.dash.cloudflare.com/
Then add the header value of your domain, and you can edit the address smoothly right away.