TrustPayments Redirect (SecureTrading) Payment Module

TrustPayments Redirect (SecureTrading) Payment Module
Provides an integration with TrustPayments Payment Pages (redirection)
Get extension You will be re-directed to the developer's website to download this plugin
Supported versions: 3.90, 4.00, 4.10, 4.20, 4.30, 4.40, 4.50, 4.60, 4.70
Created: November 14,2013
Last updated: May 31,2024

Provides an integration for nopCommerce with TrustPayments Payment Pages

TrustPayments Payment pages is a hosted solution (redirect) that allows you to process payments without storing credit card details on your server. Customers are redirected to the TrustPayments where they make their payment, then are returned to your NopCommerce site where their order details are updated.

This module supports the site security (optional) which adds an extra layer of security by encrypting all traffic between your site and the server using a secret security password.

Full instructions of setting up your site are provided on the configuration page. Simply enter your information in the configuration boxes.

See this plugin in use on the our checkout, our demo store



creates an email template for STOrderPlaced.CustomerNotification. This can be enabled though the message templates section in the admin panel to send an email to the customer once the order has been paid, instead of the current OrderPlaced.CustomerNotification, which send the email as soon as the order is placed, before it has been paid for


Added checkbox to skip Payment Information on checkout

Added checkbox to enable payment in customer selected currency raher than primary store currency

Added field for order prefix which is useful when using same payment method across multiple stores


Add automatic callback without having to create user rule at TrustPayments, this can be overridden

Added configurable gateway region

Added configurable settle status

Added tracing to log server communications for debugging purposes

Please contact us if you require this plugin for earlier versions of NopCommerce


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