WinstantPay Invoice Presentment

WinstantPay Invoice Presentment
The WinstantPay invoice presentment plugin enables customers on checkout to choose the currency of choice or crypto of choice to pay with during checkout.
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Supported versions: 4.20
Created: June 03,2021
Last updated: June 08,2021

WinstantPay Invoice Presentment

This invoice presentment plugin enables customers on checkout to choose the currency of choice or crypto of choice to pay with during checkout. As a merchant, the invoice is uploaded to the invoice management API of WinstantPay A full description of the API can be found here.

Main Merchant features

  • Manage the invoices to your customers and track the payment status. This enables you to enter the world of business transactions, where invoices and payment terms may apply
  • Get an account with WinstantPay or any of our partner institutions or partners
  • Offer your customer flexibility of payment methods incl. crypto and other 3rd party payment providers.
  • Fully integrated in your nopCommerce ecommerce website
  • Get notified on the status of the invoices presented

Installation Instructions

  • Download the plugin archive.
  • Go to admin area > configuration > local plugins.
  • Upload the plugin archive using the "Upload plugin or theme" plugin.
  • Scroll down through the list of plugins to find the newly installed plugin. And click on the "Install" button to install the plugin.

Configuration of the plugin is easy; Just add you WPAYID and provide your credentials and server urls and the rest happens automatically. Should you need any assistance please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]. On checkout the invoices are created in WinstantPay and the invoice status is tracked through the WinstantPay accounts receivables module.
The Dashboard in nopCommerce provides you with an overview of all your invoices and their status.

This great feature plugin from WinstantPay provides an entrypoint to the powerful tools behind WinstantPay.