How to call the contoller

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12 năm cách đây

i dont any idea how contoller are call when i click to any submit button .

plz tell me

Thank u
12 năm cách đây
The URL tells your web application which controller to go to. Have a read here, to understand how the MVC Framework works.
12 năm cách đây
Hey Ciwan

this is link  when i click on register button then tell me plz how controller are call and

how data are insert in database


Thank u
12 năm cách đây
Ciwan wrote:
The URL tells your web application which controller to go to. Have a read here, to understand how the MVC Framework works.

but in v 1.9 how it is set??

i can't just change the cs file and reupload it edited??

what i must change???

thanks for reply
12 năm cách đây
Oh 1.9 !! you should have mentioned your version in your initial post. :)

Sorry, can't help you with 1.9 .. I know nothing about 1.9.
12 năm cách đây
hello ...

how to Expand category menu by default

i'm using nopcomerece 2.10....
please help me....

Thank u..
12 năm cách đây
Hi Jaysheer

You can't expand it by default.

Are you familiar with jQuery ? you can do it via jQuery by writing a line or two of code.

If you don't know jQuery, tell me which Theme you're using and I'll sort something out when I get back home from work.

12 năm cách đây

I think Jayshree is trying to get the category menu expanded with sub -category by default. I'm also interested in this.

Currently, on sidebar, it list only parent category on home page, and if its a child category listing / product page, it list all parent category, with child category of only current active category.

I am also interested in listing all parent category already populated with child categories for each category. I'm working on a theme, and don't know how and what to change in code. Can you help me?

Moreover, I'm also interested in having only a Child Category of current parent category listed on Category page.

Thanks in Advance. Awaiting your response.
12 năm cách đây

I'm using Nop Commerce 2.1
12 năm cách đây
I think I understand. But just to make sure, can you upload a screenshot of what you mean, to TinyPic and link me to the screenshot.

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