Smartstore violates nopCommerce license terms!!! Let's discuss

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9 năm cách đây
fbfrank wrote:
Hi Andrei,

What are the customers of SmatStore going to do? Many customers are confused and you get no reply by SmartStore.
Can you continue working with the software when they insert the copyright?
The customer should not suffer from the inability of SmartStore.


Here you can find some guidelines for Smartstore users
9 năm cách đây
eadameg wrote:
Hi Andrei,

What are the customers of SmatStore going to do? Many customers are confused and you get no reply by SmartStore.
Can you continue working with the software when they insert the copyright?
The customer should not suffer from the inability of SmartStore.


Here you can find some guidelines for Smartstore users

OK thank you.

SmartStore says on its Web site that your customers do not "copyright by nopCommerce" must add.

You say that is not in the judgment.
9 năm cách đây
Congratulations Andrei!

There are two important conclusions that can be drawn from this case:

1) The Nop licence requirements are legally valid.

2) Nopcommerce would not, whatsoever, allow any violations to its licence requirements.
9 năm cách đây
Hi Andrei,

can you share the file number and Court?
Can you provide the judgement?


9 năm cách đây
Hello, I have a question- we have an old version of smartstore shop and now i wanna use the new open source version –

But i am afraid to do this because of the conflict between NopCommerce and smartstore. Maybe you can help me to solve my conflict.

Here my questions:

- Smartstore is prepared for the German market very well. Is NopCommerce this also? If not is this already planned and when.

- If i use NopCommerce which licence is valid? I ask it because i read  the problem with smartstore in their blog. As i understand we have today two different licenses-v2 and v3. I would like to work with v3. On Codeplex-Plattform ist the version v2 and on ist he version v3. So if i download NopCommerce from your website do i have the Version v3? And what ist the technical difference between this two versions?
- Do you have a German documentation of NopCommerce?

- Are there special Plugins for the German market?  

- If NopCommerce has no Current adaptation for the German market and  i have to use the smartstore what would i have to do to get no problems with you?

If the answers are unsatisfying i will have to change on Magento to get no problem with you and with smartstore.

Many thanks  for the answers
9 năm cách đây
abunyak wrote:
Hello, I have a question- we have an old version of smartstore shop and now i wanna use the new open source version –

But i am afraid to do this because of the conflict between NopCommerce and smartstore. Maybe you can help me to solve my conflict.

Here my questions:

- Smartstore is prepared for the German market very well. Is NopCommerce this also? If not is this already planned and when.

- If i use NopCommerce which licence is valid? I ask it because i read  the problem with smartstore in their blog. As i understand we have today two different licenses-v2 and v3. I would like to work with v3. On Codeplex-Plattform ist the version v2 and on ist he version v3. So if i download NopCommerce from your website do i have the Version v3? And what ist the technical difference between this two versions?
- Do you have a German documentation of NopCommerce?

- Are there special Plugins for the German market?  

- If NopCommerce has no Current adaptation for the German market and  i have to use the smartstore what would i have to do to get no problems with you?

If the answers are unsatisfying i will have to change on Magento to get no problem with you and with smartstore.

Many thanks  for the answers


wir sind dabei nopCommerce für den Deutschen Raum fit zumachen.
Es gibt schon mehr Plug-Ins bei nopCommerce für den Deutschenraum als bei SmartStore.
z.B. BillSafe, Sofortüberweisung, Klarna, PayPal usw.
Plug-Ins für Idealo,, gü sind in Arbeit.
Die Versionen von SmartStore und nopCommerce sind nicht identisch.
Eine Datenübernahme ist aber kein Problem.
Wann möchtest wechseln.? Wir können helfen mit Installation und Hosting.

9 năm cách đây
fbfrank wrote:
can you share the file number and Court?
Can you provide the judgement?

Hi Frank,

Sure. I personally don't mind. But I don't know whether it's allowed by German laws. So first I need to get a permission for my lawyers. I'll share the document if they allow. Please wait. I'll let you know soon
9 năm cách đây
a.m. wrote:
can you share the file number and Court?
Can you provide the judgement?
Hi Frank,

Sure. I personally don't mind. But I don't know whether whether it's allowed by German laws. So first I need to get a permission for my lawyers. I'll share the document if they allow. Please wait. I'll let you know soon

Hi Andrei,

Reference would be OK.

The court verdict itself can only be published if there the names of those involved are not readable.
Yes, but no names quote from the judgment.

SmartStore writes on his Web site because they continue to omit "Copyrith by nopCommerce" storm. They say the Court ruling does not talk about.

Is that correct?

9 năm cách đây
muratcakir wrote:
UPDATE: And here we go. The court announced its decision today. We won! Right, it's over! Flawless Victory! Instead of just returning "powered by nopcommerce”, SmartStore AG is not allowed to distribute SmartStore anymore.

Your interpretation of the court decision is quite awkward. We must adhere to the GPLv3 license instead of LGPL. Not a word about NPL or forcing us to use your logo. SmartStore.NET 2.1 will have GPLv3 in conclusion.

...And they also have to pay us ALL service and support fees they got since they offer SmartStore.

But only in your dreams.

Of course, SmartStore can go to the next court instance. Let's see whether they will do it.

Of course we will. Now it's our turn! A higher court will deal with the issue now.

They can try to delay court results this way.

No, absolutely not! We yearn for a final word. But the only decision(s) we could accept are: "put the damn logo into the footer", OR, "do whatever you want".

But they should not do it if they want to get a chance for some deal with us.

There won't be a "friendly" deal as long as I work here. You and your pals played too rude and unfair during the trial, without waiting for a court result. You cannot have both!

I understand that this court decision can completely kill this company.

No, it won't, believe me! :-))))))))

We do not want it. We also do not want to harm existing users of SmartStore.

You're a very kind person ;-)

nopCommerce and SmartStore could collaborate. Let's wait and see whether SmartStore wants it.

Like I said... NO!

Instead of get a deal with NopCommerce to help YOUR customers sort out problems because of YOURS stupid behaviour and principles - you just decided to make even worse than it is!!!

You exactly understand that you not allowed to distribute anymore SmartStore. That's mean hundreds your customers will stay without updates and further updates just because YOU thinking about YOURSELF only.

But Don't worry now. We will be happy to give a help for ALL the customers who selected SmartStore without being warned about the legal case. Because NopCommerce as well about helping each other as well. You can stay alone with your SmartStore and blame yourself only and cry how NopCommerce are bad because they need to live for something - that's why license agreement. And Thanks NopCommerce team that their product still OpenSource. Other projects the same type either not so flexible or not OpeSource or paid at all.
9 năm cách đây
You can download "some" court decision document here. It has some names hidden because we're not recommended to display them. I think you will understand what exactly is hidden =))
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