Adding Blog Categories and tags

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13 năm cách đây
Has anyone tried adding categories in blog section and tags for blog posts ?
13 năm cách đây
anyone ?
13 năm cách đây
Same problem here. I'm going to try something now. Will hopefully figure something out and reply.
13 năm cách đây
Even i am trying to add this functionality at my side,,,who ever finishes first will post here the solution..
13 năm cách đây
I've almost completed the tags aspect. Should be done in a few hours.
13 năm cách đây
I'm having some problems now with tags, and I'm in need of some help.

I've added a column to the BlogPost table for tags, modified all the DBBlog files.

Now the strange thing is I am able to insert tags through my modifications and text fields, but when I try to display them, I get nothing.
Is there a file that I need to modify that I haven't looked at/find?

13 năm cách đây
it is difficult to identify the problem without looking at your code...and how you linking/added blog tags in database...

what you can do is, take a look at the product tag, how they are working or getting displayed on the website from the database. As, the pattern is same with blog just like product tags.

Product tags are also linked with the product ID and on the click event of every tag, all the products gets displayed that are being connected with that tag through ProductID-TagID relationship. Just like this Blog_PostID will be linked with BlogTagID.

In order to create blog tags you need to follow the same patter how product tags are working in nopCommerce project.
13 năm cách đây
hey Crazymik3

any success ?
13 năm cách đây

I've got the tags working! Right now I'm just going through and getting all the changes I did and will paste them on pastebin or the like by the end of today.

Any luck with categories?
13 năm cách đây
Crazymik3 wrote:

I've got the tags working! Right now I'm just going through and getting all the changes I did and will paste them on pastebin or the like by the end of today.

Any luck with categories?

Tags are working ? That's great !!!...waiting to see the code / database changes that you did...

Day before yesterday i was working on categories but i was getting many errors, today again i will try to fix the code...(i am also trying to add a calender in blog feature so that anyone can filter blog posts according to date also, plus a column in which i can display recent comments...)

i wish nopcommerce team could make blog feature a little better, many times i posted suggestions but i don't think nopcommerce team is thinking about working on blog feature for now, i guess they are more concern about adding e-commerce functionality as nopcommerce is an e-commerce tool...

you can post your  reply here for better blog feature:
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