eCommerce Blog - Page 21

10 benefits of using SMS notifications for eCommerce store

SMS notification, a cost effective solution to win customers

We all know that effective communication is crucial since the beginning of time. A business that commutes effectively always has an edge over its competitors. For an eCommerce business that is striving to retain customers through their service, the older timer “SMS” is the best way to communicate. With a high open rate of over 98% and the lowest possible cost SMS fits the bill of all sorts of eCommerce businesses.

Regardless of the evolution of other communication channels, SMS is still the most extensively used form of communication that is growing at a pace of 4% each year. Be it an eCommerce Market leader or a new eCommerce Start up SMS notification is one crucial thing they cannot afford to miss on. Let me share the reasons behind this.

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nopCommerce 3.90 is released

We are glad to announce a new official version of nopCommerce.

In nopCommerce 3.90, we focused on widening nopCommerce marketing and content management functionality for such features like reward points (loyalty program), discounts, tier prices, product reviews and others. In this version, we also continue simplifying and redesigning the admin area in terms of UI and UX standards. Some significant improvements in performance optimization were done as well.

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Learn how running a multi-vendor online shop can help you earn big bucks, when done right!

Running a multi-vendor online shop can help you (as a store owner) to earn big bucks!

Running a multi-vendor online shop can help you (as a store owner) to earn big bucks! When done right, it looks something like customers being able to buy a product, irrespective of the vendor, and the product arrives at the doorstep with no need to search multiple sites. Setting up a multi-vendor store site is a great way to do online business because it allows you to work with a number of different vendors without having to worry about managing any kind of inventory.

Let’s just take an example of Etsy, eBay and Amazon as they are running on a similar idea of multi-vendor site because sellers or companies are able to create their profile/account and post their products for sale while taking care of all the logistics/shipments. These multi-vendor sites then take out a percentage from each sale and make a large profit without having to buy any products or maintain inventory.

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Best practices for successful email newsletters

Email marketing helps businesses to attract new customers while maintaining a close relationship with the existing loyal customers. Marketers can easily connect with the customers and prospects in a highly targeted way by a simple email and that is what makes email marketing by far the most effective way of growing your business. According to the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing is responsible for bringing in $40 for every $1 spent.

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Common Tips, Settings & Recommendations to Optimize Performance in nopCommerce


Performance is the most painful point where we generally stuck while trying to optimize a website. Since we host nopCommerce on a Windows server and nopCommerce have very rich settings so if configured properly it can be done out of the box. In this article we’ll talk about common things to watch, choose & configure. Also, some best practices improving your nopCommerce website scaling on a hosted environment.

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Why you should consider making your store site accessible

Why you should consider making your store site accessible

When it comes to web accessibility, only a handful of store owners in e-Commerce business understand what web accessibility is and why it is important. So, before we get into the details on why you should consider making your store site accessible, we should make sure all the readers know the definition of web accessibility.

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Common e-Commerce pitfalls and how to avoid them


Today, stepping into an e-Commerce industry and launching an online store site is quite easy & fast. You can launch your e-Commerce website in just a few days and with a very limited budget. In fact, if you are using an e-Commerce solution like nopCommerce, you can have your store site up and running in less than five minutes. For many new store owners, the idea of starting an online business is an exciting experience and potentially rewarding in terms of finances.

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How after-order emails can drive sales and improve customer experience


Emails that you send to your customers to notify them that the order has been confirmed or their item is on its way are the most effective in improving customer experience. Email marketing continues to be one of the top marketing channels that every retailer likes to use. ROI (return on investment) is one of the most captivating reasons why email marketing is beneficial in promoting your e-Commerce store. When done well, after-order email helps in communicating with the customers and can be one of the best customer relationship builder.

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nopCommerce Days 2016

nopCommerce Days 2016 - our second annual conference which was held in Amsterdam on 20-21st October - has ended resulting in dozens of opportunities, valuable feedback, positive emotions, and enlarging our TODO list far beyond our roadmap.

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Some key things to always double check before launching your store site

You have invested time, effort and money in building a website so that you can launch a perfectly functional online store. The day has finally arrived as you have done all the heavy lifting. But, before you push the “GO” button, think again – Is the website ready?

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