eCommerce Blog - Page 23

Why you need a sitemap for your e-Commerce site

A sitemap is a quick access point that allows the visitors on your store site to see the hierarchy of your website and pages in a single glance. It is extremely important that you choose an e-Commerce solution like nopCommerce that allows you to create dynamic XML sitemap since you will be constantly deleting, editing and changing product pages.

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Top features that every product page must offer

First impression is everything when it comes to impressing your potential customers and encouraging them to place an order on your store site. A lot of times, online businesses spent too much time tweaking the homepage and pay less attention to the rest of the store site. Yes, homepage is the first landing page and it should always be given priority. But, product page is equally important when it comes to converting online shoppers to your customers. The reason is quite simple; product page is the area of your website where “Buy now” button is available.

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nopCommerce has won CMS critic's "Best eCommerce Solution for SMB" award

We are deeply pleased to announce that nopCommerce won the CMScritic's "Best eCommerce for SMB" prize.
We are very excited to accept this award, as it recognizes not only our efforts in making eCommerce but also the strength of our community.

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nopCommerce 3.70 is released

We continue to improve nopCommerce granting more and more functionality based on the latest SEO trends and general convenience for all parties of eCommerce process. Check out the new and exciting highlight features offered by 3.70

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NopDevDays’15 summary and 5 free videos demonstrating the power of nopCommerce!


The 30th of October, 2015 was a very special day for nopCommerce team. The dedicated company of nopCommerce developers - the nopAholics organized the first ever nopCommerce conference (unofficial) in beautiful Amsterdam, Netherlands.

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A few things to keep in mind before starting an online business

things to keep in mind

Do you dream about starting your own e-Commerce business as an entrepreneur? If you would like to be your own boss and you have a plan to start your own online business, the time is now. It is quite cheaper, easier and much faster to start an online business than ever before. But, that does not mean that is it easier to be successful in an e-Commerce industry. Being able to start your own business and being successful are two different things.

One of the best things about e-Commerce is that you can start a business anywhere in the world with the help of powerful solutions like nopCommerce, for free. nopCommerce offers comprehensive features that is easy to use for new online businesses, yet powerful enough for the most demanding ecommerce expert.

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Key reasons why your e-Commerce store is losing business

key reasons

So, you are selling great products in the right market with an aggressive marketing plan but for some reason the sales are down; why? A smart way to get back on the right track is to identify the primary challenges that your online store site is facing. In many cases, the problem does not always come from the products, marketing plan, industry or your product advertisement but from your e-Commerce website. It is sometime quite tough for some business owners to pinpoint the culprit when sales are dropping. Here are a few key reasons why your e-Commerce store is losing business.

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How good quality product images can increase the revenue of your e-Commerce store

product image quality

In e-Commerce world, store owners use product images to influence the customers. Since the customers cannot touch, smell or see the actual product on a store site, images is the only way by which online shoppers are able to interact with the products. Due to this limitation, online store owners must use an e-Commerce software solution (like nopCommerce) that provides different tools to make the images stand out. Ultimately, if the images make your products look more attractive, online shoppers will be more confident in purchasing from you.

Many online businesses understand the fact that first impression count when selling online. This is the reason why many online merchants showcase their products from every possible angle and zoom to provide a real world experience on their store site.

Today we will discuss how good quality product images can increase the revenue of your e-Commerce store.

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Why every online store should offer live chat

ecommerce live chat

There are many online stores that are suffering from inability to provide a real-time customer service. This can easily lead to cart abandonment as customers are disconnected from someone who can answer their questions in real-time. As the customer reaches the finish line of placing an order, something barricades the checkout process that abolishes the potential sale. The reason could be as simple as answering your customer’s question while they are adding product(s) to their cart.

Live chat has the ability to provide convenience and real-time answers to the online shoppers. An online store without a live chat feature can be seen as letting your customers walk around an empty store and figure out things themselves. Yes, it is understandable that these days many online shoppers are quite used to of figuring out thing themselves but there are a good number of people who leaves the online store just because they couldn’t find the product they are looking for or they had a question about return policy but nobody is there to answer their question. Yes, there is a “Contact us” page on the store site but if customer is interested in buying an item, they want answers right now, they don’t know how much time you as a store owner will take to respond back. It could be a day or two when you get back to your customer and the customer already ordered the item from some other online store..

Today, we will discuss why every online store should offer live chat.

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How to enhance the customer experience on your online store

customer experience

Enhancing the level of customer experience on the website has become one of the top priorities for store owners because it is something that acts as a differentiator in this competitive e-Commerce industry. Even little details can make a big difference in terms of how customers feel about products and the company.

Many of us have heard this before that it is important to provide a positive customer experience. But the question is; how do you do that? Winning loyal customers is no longer providing quality products to the customers. Today, customers are more educated and have many options. They are willing to pay more money for convenience and better experience.

Your customers are constantly interacting with you as a business via many channels like email, social media, in-store visits and customer service. So, the definition of an enhanced customer experience is making your customers happy over all these channels and providing exactly what they are looking for.

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