eCommerce Blog - Page 25

Key shipping strategies for your e-Commerce Business

Key shipping strategies

A shipping process is quite intricate when it comes to running an e-Commerce business. You can sell a large number of products on your e-Commerce site but your online business cannot be successful if can’t get those products in customer’s hands safely and at an affordable cost.

Many online customers reconsider their purchase decisions when they realize that shipping and handling charges are quite high. This often leads to shopping cart abandonment that can be quite frustrating for any business owner.

Today, we will discuss some key shipping strategies that can be useful for your e-Commerce store.

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How to prepare your e-Commerce store for the holiday season

customer feedback

Holiday season is indeed one of the most profitable times of the year. It is quite important for online businesses to identify a strategy in order to make sure that their site is ready for the holiday rush. Some retailers focus exclusively on their ability to put together the received order quickly and efficiently while some focus specifically on the performance of their store site so that the website is ready for the heavy online traffic. It might be surprising for some but there are times when many e-Commerce entrepreneurs in their first few years don’t even get time to plan for the holiday season because of their busy day-to-day routine of running an e-Commerce store

The key to taking advantage of holiday traffic is to pay attention to all areas rather than focusing on one single thing. A holiday strategy, if executed correctly, can be a difference between a great successful season and disappointment.

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Choosing the right checkout process for your e-Commerce store: One-page vs Multi-page

One-page vs Multi-page

Shopping cart abandonment is quite prevalent in an online business. It can be a quite frustrating for any business owner to see abandoned shopping carts on their online stores. As the customer reaches the finish line of placing an order, something barricades the checkout process that abolishes the potential sale.

A confusing checkout process can easily lead to shopping cart abandonment. It is the business owner’s job to get his/her customer through the checkout process as fast as possible. In order to overcome the rising concerns about incompetence checkout, e-Commerce stores (including nopCommerce) have adapted some new trends like one-page checkout in order to reduce the number of steps in the checkout process. But, technically, a one-page checkout is no different from a multi-page checkout as it requires the same amount of information but in a condensed one page.

For any business owner, choosing the right checkout process for an e-Commerce store is quite crucial. So let us compare one-page checkout with multi-page checkout and how these two processes impact the purchase time and sales.

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How to make your e-Commerce site look more professional

How to make your e-Commerce site look more professional

The web design industry is moving forward at a very fast pace and the trends are changing all the time. As technology evolves, it is easy to fall into the trap of bad designing or following some old trends that might make your website look unprofessional. An ugly layout and cluttered website can easily drive away the potential customers from your online store. Remember, no one wants to shop on an unintuitive or clunky website.

So, the question is – How to make your online store site enticing for the online audience? Here are some tips for improving your e-Commerce site and make it look more professional.

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How a blog can help your growing e-Commerce business: Part-2

e-Commerce blog

What’s holding you back from writing blog posts for your e-Commerce business? Is it that you don’t have enough ideas?

If you read Part-1 of this series, we went over some points on how a blog plays an important role for the growth of your e-Commerce business. Blog is a great way to have quality content on your website related to your products/services.

But, how do you come up with quality content for your blog posts if you are not a writer? A lot of business professionals (or owners) do not know what to write. Remember, as a business professional (or owner), you deal with many clients or prospects. You understand a potential customer’s needs in your industry and get asked perhaps thousands of questions every month. Most commonly asked questions can be your next blog post.

Today, we will discuss a few ideas that can inspire you as a business professional (or owner) to write quality content for your e-Commerce blog:

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Best ways to get feedback from your customer

customer feedback

For any business, customer feedback is paramount for knowing your customer’s needs and expectations. In order to be successful in your business, you must listen to your customers. The feedback from your customer is very valuable information that can help you improve your product and services. Asking for a feedback from your customer helps you build strong relationships and increase customer satisfaction.

Bill Gates said – “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”

At the end of the day, the only reason your business is able to survive in the market is because of your customers. So, you better listen to your customer who pays you for your product and services. Let us discuss some easy ways by which you can gather feedback from your customer:

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How to start an online business: a startup guide

how to start online business

A lot of people have a desire to start their own business. If you are one of those people and have an idea that you believe will bring you a fortune, you may have already considered setting up an online store.

There is no doubt about the fact that online business is the best approach in today’s market as there are more consumers shopping online than ever before. Sure, anyone can throw up a website (or a blog) with some products/services on it but how do you actually get potential customers on your website?

Here is a list of things that you need to understand in order to start a successful online business

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What is Google Analytics and why it is beneficial to use it for your business website?

google analytics

Today, many businesses are focusing on content marketing in order to attract a clear defined audience. Google Analytics is one of the widely used tools to get all the data and monitor online traffic on websites, social tools, ads and videos etc.

Whether you are selling products/services or building your brand, it is important to understand the behavior of your target audience. In today’s competitive market, it is not enough to have a small counter on your website footer for counting the number of visitors on your web page. You need a complete tool like Google Analytics that helps you to understand ways to reach your audience / customers or how to make it easier to server your current customers and win new ones.

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Shop Till You Drop: Why Maximizing Mobile Usability is Essential for Your eCommerce Store

shop till you drop

Let’s face it: Customers are increasingly turning to the Internet to make their purchases. In fact, eCommerce sales have increased by 16.4 percent year over year and are estimated to continue growing by at least 13.8 percent in the future. A successful eCommerce strategy requires more than a website where customers can purchase your products. The question isn't if you should take advantage of the eCommerce space, it's how you can capture a portion of the market.

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Top 5 modern SEO myths in e-commerce world

search engine optimization

Search engines are the most common medium by which businesses present their products or services to their target customers. An e-commerce store, which is an online business, should certainly focus on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) because every business owner wants to showcase their online stone on search engines.

Yes, focusing on SEO is like marketing your online store on the web. But, SEO is one of the most common misinterpreted terms in the marketing world as it comes with a lack of clarity. SEO is not a magic and it does ignites a number of myths.

Let us discuss top 5 modern SEO myths in e-commerce world

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