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9 years ago
a.m. wrote:
Is there a way to generate also the Sitemap.xml that all SEO engines look for?

The above page give "Page not Found" error. Also I put the same for my website in google sitemap and get a 404 error.
9 years ago
Ok got it, I have to use /sitemap.xml
8 years ago
Nop 3.7

I'm looking to spruce up the Sitemap.cshtml page. Right now it's pretty horrible in it's structure. I want to include the main categories and under them the sub categories but the SitemapModel does not contain ParentCategoryId. Nor does the CategoryModel that is within the SitemapModel. I have made modifications.

Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog Category.cs already contains ParentCategoryId

Nop.Data.Catalog CategoryMap.cs modification
this.Property(c => c.ParentCategoryId).IsRequired();

Nop.Web.Models.Catalog CategoryModel.cs modification
public int ParentCategoryId { get; set; }

Sitemap.cshtml SitemapModel CategoryModel now has the property ParentCategoryId The below code pulls the correct main categories but will not pull in the subcategories

  @if (Model.Categories.Count > 0)
    List<int> mainCategories = new List<int>
    { 2799, 3869, 3302, 2862, 298, 3451, 2809, 2828, 3001, 3319, 303, 207, 2793 };
    int numItems = mainCategories.Count();

    <div class="page-header-custom">
    <div class="panel panel-default">
      <div class="panel-body">
        <div class="list-group">
          @for (int i = 0; i < numItems; i++)
            foreach (var category in Model.Categories.Where(x => x.Id == mainCategories[i]))
              <a class="" href="@Url.RouteUrl("Category", new { SeName = category.SeName })">@category.Name</a>
              foreach (var subCategory in Model.Categories.Where(x => x.ParentCategoryId == mainCategories[i]))
                <a class="" href="@Url.RouteUrl("Category", new { SeName = subCategory.SeName })">@subCategory.Name</a>

Anyone know why this is not working?
Does the controller need to be modified as well and if so how?

8 years ago

The following URL is giving error 404:

I am using nop3.7

8 years ago
harsh21289 wrote:

The following URL is giving error 404:

I am using nop3.7



try this:
8 years ago
Is it possible, and if so how, to include only published product and categories in the sitemap?
7 years ago
Is there a way to generate also the Sitemap.xml that all SEO engines look for?
The link given gives a 404 page

How do we get this done?
7 years ago
lwflowers wrote:
Is there a way to generate also the Sitemap.xml that all SEO engines look for?
The link given gives a 404 page

How do we get this done?

Ensure that sitemap is enabled: admin area -> Configuration -> Settings -> All settings (advanced) -> commonsettings.sitemapenabled
7 years ago
Mariann wrote:
Ensure that sitemap is enabled: admin area -> Configuration -> Settings -> All settings (advanced) -> commonsettings.sitemapenabled

Just quick thought. Not every nopCommerce user is advanced user, so maybe it would be good solution to show that checkbox at the "General And Miscellaneous Settings"/SEO tab?
7 years ago
hey mariann,
enabling this does not produce a /sitemap.xml page.
Google only wants a certain sitemap page for the crawlers ie... .xml, .html, or text etc..
I am using 3.7
Google rejects the current format.
Is there a way to have the site do a .xml page just as the same as currently doing now.
This is a great sitemap fore the website, but the search engines do not care for it and do not use it.
Let me know.
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