Where to configure HOME page title, keywords, description?

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10 years ago
I found some issues on Google webmaster tools...

Duplicate title tags

Offer prices on Guitars, Pianos, Drums, Saxophones & Violins - Offers in Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderab


Duplicate meta descriptions

Springwel Mattress Bangalore with 5 Guaranteed Benefits | Best Price, Quick Door Step Service, Free


Like above it is showing
Duplicate Meta Descriptions : 269
Duplicate Title Tags : 164

Please guide me to solve this issue...
9 years ago
I added this code in: index.cshtml

var _topicService = Nop.Core.Infrastructure.EngineContext.Current.Resolve<Nop.Services.Topics.ITopicService>();
var topic = _topicService.GetTopicBySystemName("HomePageText");
9 years ago
Small update ;-)

@using Nop.Services.Localization;

    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_ColumnsThree.cshtml";
    var _topicService = Nop.Core.Infrastructure.EngineContext.Current.Resolve<Nop.Services.Topics.ITopicService>();
    var topic = _topicService.GetTopicBySystemName("HomePageText");
    Html.AddTitleParts(topic.GetLocalized(x => x.MetaTitle));
    Html.AddMetaDescriptionParts(topic.GetLocalized(x => x.MetaDescription));
    Html.AddMetaKeywordParts(topic.GetLocalized(x => x.MetaKeywords));
8 years ago
I added storeId to the above code, if you've got more than one store...

@using Nop.Services.Localization;
var storeId = EngineContext.Current.Resolve<Nop.Core.IStoreContext>().CurrentStore.Id;
var _topicService = Nop.Core.Infrastructure.EngineContext.Current.Resolve<Nop.Services.Topics.ITopicService>();
    var topic = _topicService.GetTopicBySystemName("HomePageText", storeId);
    Html.AddTitleParts(topic.GetLocalized(x => x.MetaTitle));
    Html.AddMetaDescriptionParts(topic.GetLocalized(x => x.MetaDescription));
    Html.AddMetaKeywordParts(topic.GetLocalized(x => x.MetaKeywords));
7 years ago
Congiuration >>> General And Miscellaneous Settings under SEO Settings, now here you can enter your meta keywords and meta description but it will come on very page in products also.  
Below code will add title, description and keywords for home page only.

Html.AddTitleParts("My home page title");
Html.AddMetaDescriptionParts("My meta description");
Html.AddMetaKeywordParts("My meta keywords");
7 years ago
Below code helped me under Views/Home/Index.cshtml:

Html.AddTitleParts("My home page title");
Html.AddMetaDescriptionParts("My meta description");
Html.AddMetaKeywordParts("My meta keywords");
7 years ago
anjankant wrote:
Below code helped me under Views/Home/Index.cshtml:

Html.AddTitleParts("My home page title");
Html.AddMetaDescriptionParts("My meta description");
Html.AddMetaKeywordParts("My meta keywords");

Just to be 100% correct, I've pasted this into the above location - now, do I replace what's in between the quotations with my information? Or is there now a field in Administration that I should know about?

7 years ago
I am not very i understand, but there is any way to add HOME page title, keywords, description from the admin area?
7 years ago

There is a limit to 49 characters when entering "My home page title" at this location wwwroot/Views/ Home in Index.cshtml file as per your suggestion:

Html.AddTitleParts("My home page title");
Html.AddMetaDescriptionParts("My meta description");
Html.AddMetaKeywordParts("My meta keywords");

If the title is more then 49 characters it does not appear in
<title></title> tag when I inspect element on the title page.

Do you have any remedy to this problem?

7 years ago
Update, title tag has expand arrow which displays full title if I click on it if the tags are empty when inspecting element.
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