Runtime Error

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12 years ago
Okay - one hosting company sucked - found a new one - awesome people.

backed up database - moved that over, set that up - it's all good.

Downloaded via FTP root directory of old host to local
Uploaded via FTP to new host from local

nothing showed up - updated the .net framework to 4 - now i get this:
Runtime Error
Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.

To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

        <customErrors mode="Off"/>

Notes: The current error page you are seeing can be replaced by a custom error page by modifying the "defaultRedirect" attribute of the application's <customErrors> configuration tag to point to a custom error page URL.

<!-- Web.Config Configuration File -->

        <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly" defaultRedirect="mycustompage.htm"/>

Can someone help me with this? Any ideas? I know i need to update the settings.txt file for populating the data within nopCommerce. but i'm tryin' to get where i can see the nopCommerce stuff first. By the time i get a response i'll probably have the settings.txt corrected.
12 years ago
good luck with editing the settings files manually- i found it easy to just delete them and do the install again, you must choose the option to NOT add default data to the database.

this allowed me to enter the connection strings for the site, it 'installed' and my database then worked on the new hosting.
12 years ago
Thank you for the response - i'm def finding that there is a bit of finesse in editing the config files...... i'm edited the settings.txt doc and that is good to go.

i'm curious, did you do this? switch from one host to another? if so, how did you get the new site to see the images for the products? that was my main concern in changing hosts. havin' to redo all the images. i have over 10K of products.

i'm not opposed to doing a fresh install, if someone can tell me how to get the db to see the images via a path instead of having to add them to each product individually.

I do have nopAdmin, but that'll mean revamping the data, via the spreadsheet.

thank you for your help - i do appreciate your input.
12 years ago
yes, we changed hosts and had to move the entire the nop commerce site and data over
it was months ago, so i don't really remember the exact details;

i found that manually editing the config files was different in 2.3 then in 1.9; in 1.9 i could just change the connection string, in 2.3 its like there were multiple locations to change. I don't remember the locations, i just remember running into errors trying to change the settings manually.  So we deleted the settings files which made it do a 'new install', i put in the new connection strings and was able to access the site- i remember there were some things which didn't carry over well so we manually imported those tables into the database.

I know its not much help, we did more of a forced work around instead of a smooth transition; hope you're able to find a simple way to transition.
12 years ago
The only connection string in 2.3 is /App_Data/Settings.txt

hemjesti, are the images not working now?  They are either in the DB and should work automatically or they should point to the same location in /Content
12 years ago
To DFWITDEPARTMENT: cool, glad to know that someone else has gone through this. your id says DFW i too am in DFW - live in dallas, client is in ft worth.  Anyway, I do have to TRY to edit these config files before just doing a fresh install.
For clarity, i'm using 2.2.

To Andy: no, i see nothing b/c of the error - you guys can see the site here:

Andy, my question is this. Only the path is in the db. I was told by current host that you can just update the paths b/c of the way nopCom inturrprets the images. He implied that nopCom renamed the images or something. Naturally, I would think you could simply update the paths in the db and point to the proper image.

If this indeed the case, if i do a new install, and upload images from the folder, shouldn't the db pick them up and populate the site with them? since when you upload images to nopCom it renames them the the seven character number_filename - it should all match up - right?
12 years ago
turn the custom errors mode to off so it will show the error

edit the web.config file and re-upload it to the website

so instead of something like this
    <customErrors defaultRedirect="errorpage.htm" mode="On">
      <error statusCode="404" redirect="/t/NewWebsite" />

change it to this
    <customErrors defaultRedirect="errorpage.htm" mode="Off">
      <error statusCode="404" redirect="/t/NewWebsite" />

the mode= is case sensitive, tmk.

I recall this being like pulling a string that just kept unraveling and making things worse, but perhaps one of the gurus will decend upon this thread and provide some insight on the error.
12 years ago
that's great info man - i'll give that a try and let ya know.

any thoughts on the pathing issue with the images? do ya think a new install and an upload of the images into that content / thumbs folder would resolve that? bc the images are my biggest concern. i reaaaaaaaally don't wanna have to redo those and is what i'm trying to avoid.
12 years ago
say, this is what mine looks like........

    <customErrors defaultRedirect="errorpage.htm" mode="RemoteOnly">
      <error statusCode="404" redirect="filenotfound.htm" />
12 years ago
hemjesti wrote:
say, this is what mine looks like........

    <customErrors defaultRedirect="errorpage.htm" mode="RemoteOnly">
      <error statusCode="404" redirect="filenotfound.htm" />

change it to

    <customErrors defaultRedirect="errorpage.htm" mode="Off">
      <error statusCode="404" redirect="filenotfound.htm" />

note: this will allow the errors to be seen by anyone who has access to the url/website- some errors might give out sensitive information like logins/passwords- make sure you have a backup to the site before making this change.
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