High CPU in Product Administration

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15 years ago
OK, I just figured out what the problem is.  It's the related Products that' causing the issue.  Because it's pulling back all the products at one time.  If you go add AllowPaging="True" on the gvRelatedProducts gridview, it fixes the problem.

This also needs to be done on the productlist gridviews for the categorydetails.aspx and the manufacturersdetail.aspx pages.
15 years ago
DOH!!!  I spoke too soon, I didn't handle the PageIndexChanging so I'm getting an error when trying to go to another page.
13 years ago
The reason for the high CPU is do to the massive amount of ASP.NET controls being used. The page side (since it's a giant list) becomes massive and thus forces the browser to render that entire HTML. I ran into a similar situation on my store site that has over 2700 products. As a result, the page sizes were in the MB's just in HTML alone and sometimes would just crash the browser viewing such a page. If viewstates are enabled this also balloons the page even further. I was forced to re-write about 80% of the admin site from scratch due to the very poor forethought given to the impact of using such controls and checkbox lists. I eventually changed most of the controls to use custom Ajax lists and removed almost all of the post-backs associated with ASP.NET controls. It runs like a dream now. It's a shame that I had to do this as it took me several months to re-do everything, which defeated the whole purpose of using a canned solution. Go figure... I got what I paid for.
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