nopCommerce 2.65 and 2.70 roadmap

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11 years ago
so we can't upgrade from 2.60 to 2.70 directly ? it has to be 2.60 -> 2.65 ->2.70 ?
11 years ago
pepper wrote:
so we can't upgrade from 2.60 to 2.70 directly ? it has to be 2.60 -> 2.65 ->2.70 ?

You upgrade to 2.70 absolutely the same way as it's done for any other versions (for example, if you were upgrading from 2.10 to 2.50):

1. You need source code of the latest version only (2.70 when it's out)
2. Then simply execute the appropriate upgrade scripts step-by-step over your database ("2.60 to 2.65" and then "2.65 to 2.70")
11 years ago
For DB ok, but what about views and css? if 2.65 is only a mantainance release, just core has been modified, while new functionality will be impremented in 2.70.
11 years ago
infinito62 wrote:
but what about views and css?

What about views and css? Please clarify the question.

Process of upgrading to 2.65 ot to 2.70 will be absolutely the same as to any other version:
1. You execute appropriate upgrade scripts
2. You update source code (cs, cshtml, css, etc) for your needs based on your customization.

infinito62 wrote:
just core has been modified, while new functionality will be impremented in 2.70.

No. A lot of cshtml, CSS and source code were changed in 2.65. Find all changesets here
11 years ago
But, I don't understand. 2.65 will be released by this week (or the next) while 2.70 by the end of September? Wouldn't bebetter to postpone so improvements will be more significant?
11 years ago
infinito62 wrote:
But, I don't understand. 2.65 will be released by this week (or the next) while 2.70 by the end of September? Wouldn't bebetter to postpone so improvements will be more significant?

Check the UPDATE in the first post here
11 years ago
Thanks Eduardo.
Now that nopclassic has been removed,how can one upgrade custom themes based on nopclassic? Do we need to redesign the layout again?
11 years ago
UPDATE 2: Now after version 2.65 has been released we have the new updated roadmap for version 2.70. Please find it here. Estimate release time - the end of December (it's better to have a new release each 3-4 months). A lot of new work items has been added to it. This roadmap contains the following highlight features:
- Better CMS support
- Further performance optimization
- Support ID-less urls
- ACL on Categories
- ACL on Products
- Create a new modern public store default theme
- Improve affiliate support
- Allow developers to REPLACE certain blocks of a page with their own widgets
- And a lot of minor enhancements
11 years ago
I totally agree, its better to have a combined major release instead of many minor releases. This will make life easier for both developers and solution providers.
But at the same time we should introduce a mechanism for minor patches which would be able to resolve issues such as the one we encountered for which 2.65 was released.
That can be kept independent of the release cycle and it should address only urgent issues.
The list seems very promising, looking forward to this release.
11 years ago
a.m. wrote:
UPDATE 2: Now after version 2.65 has been released we have the new updated roadmap for version 2.70. Please find it here. Estimate release time - the end of December (it's better to have a new release each 3-4 months). A lot of new work items has been added to it.

I agree with you, its better to have a new release each 3-4 months. For someone who requires an urgent updates can take it from repository as well.
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