nopCommerce 3.00 roadmap. Let's discuss.

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11 years ago
leandromugnol wrote:
Performance is (and has been) a permanent task on the road map of Nop. Our experience (with several stores in each version) is that v2.6 performance is much better than in v1.9. Some performance problems have arisen in v2.8.
There is a work item for enhancing Affiliates support.

Thanks for answers, I voted in workitem, I specifically say from my experience and impression of the customers, remembering that these sites are running on IIS 6.0 My fear is that with the addition of more advanced features the system is even slower. slowness definitely does not match with sales

you should move to iis 7.0++ or even 8.0 + .net 4.5 which can boost the performance better (entity framework 5.0 is faster than 4.x). The problem is if your iis recycling is too small, then your sites might be slow because it could break Nop caching system and doesn't work well like scripting languages like php or classic asp in the first boot.

I'm running dozens of nop sites 2.7 with my own custom code, so far so good. Can't wait for 3.0 multi stores !!
11 years ago
SignalR (  officially released by MS MVC team (

In case you guys need to improve real-time functionality, take a look at that.
11 years ago
congthanhgiong wrote:
In case you guys need to improve real-time functionality, take a look at that.

For example? There's no any real-time functionality used in nopCommerce
11 years ago

Can we do any work-around to create multi-stores till we get 3.0 release, because we cannot stop the project implementation till that time.
please provide us about any idea in the current release to create multi-stores.
11 years ago
asaid.moussa wrote:

Can we do any work-around to create multi-stores till we get 3.0 release, because we cannot stop the project implementation till that time.
please provide us about any idea in the current release to create multi-stores.
11 years ago
Hi Andrei,

Great news to hear that multistore support is already done!

I was hoping you could give me some more information on multi vendor support as well? I happen to need multi vendor support in my current project and was planning do the customization myself. Maybe we could join forces?

Or at least can you share with me the planned changes to the database model that will enable multi vendor support?

Looking forward to hear from you.
11 years ago
rudgr wrote:
Or at least can you share with me the planned changes to the database model that will enable multi vendor support?

I haven't thought about multi-vendor support and how it'll be implemented yet
11 years ago
a.m. wrote:
quick question, if we apply the changeset 80e3252fc205 and then upgrade after 3.0 come out will it have any effect on the configurations as based on my previous knowledge it is not recommended to apply unstable changesets to production
11 years ago
SDSharp wrote:
What's the chance to have a "Wine Club" concept where one signs-up for and gets recurring shipments of "something" every X months, for X cost?


Can we add this to the list of items to be build next?

a.m. wrote:


Thanks. Please vote for this work item here. But I don't think that it'll be implemented in 3.00

Hi a.m.,

Thanks for bringing the topic of nopC 3.0 and its roadmap up, and thanks for the great work that was done so far in nopCommerce. I remember I have evaluated nopCommerce two years ago, and it wasn't my first choice at that time. Today, I would confidently say that in the last two years, nopCommerce has achieved one of the highest market share increase rates among all shopping cart providers.

Back to the 3.0 roadmap topic, IMHO, a simpler and more generic approach for the Wine Club suggestion is to add a "Make this order recurrent" button next to each order in the Orders page of the customer. A customer may click on this button and select the recurrence pattern (e.g. weekly, monthly, quarterly, ...etc.). A new tab that shows "Recurrent Orders" under "My Account" may be developed. When a recurrent order is automatically generated by the system on behalf of the customer, this very instance of the order is forked and saved as a regular order.

I think most of the functionalities needed to support this feature are already implemented, such as the system's current ability to (1) make recurrent payments, (2) mark product variants as recurring products and specify a recurring cycle, and (3) allow the customer to re-order a previous order.
11 years ago
infiniti wrote:
quick question, if we apply the changeset 80e3252fc205 and then upgrade after 3.0 come out will it have any effect on the configurations as based on my previous knowledge it is not recommended to apply unstable changesets to production

Sure, you can use it. But only on your own risk
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