TrendyShoes1.90.1 is updating products (WARNING: avoid

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13 years ago

We are using trendyshoes template since a while. Recently we were looking to upgrade from nopCommerce 1.8 to 1.9. I have been asked to carry out this task. I have downloaded trendyshoes 191 and seems like things are changed. For instance I am not seeing trendyshoes one page checkout. Instead its showing nopCommrce default one page checkout page. So my question is did you removed your custom one page checkout or I am missing some configuration? It was enabled by default with trendyshoes 1.8.
13 years ago

I have bought and installed this template and getting along just fine mostly.

Can anyone tell me how to modify the menu. I am not using "manufacturers" so I would like to remove this from the drop down menu or utilize it for linking to something else, perhaps related products.

Also, not sure what the "GET INSPIRED" header is supposed to be used for?

I am using firebug to find what I want to change but I am stuck on this one.
13 years ago
[email protected] wrote:

I have bought and installed this template and getting along just fine mostly.

Can anyone tell me how to modify the menu. I am not using "manufacturers" so I would like to remove this from the drop down menu or utilize it for linking to something else, perhaps related products.

Also, not sure what the "GET INSPIRED" header is supposed to be used for?

I am using firebug to find what I want to change but I am stuck on this one.

Please login backend:

navigate to OsShop -> Menu Options -> Menu Elite -> Save
13 years ago
larrylan wrote:
Please login backend:

navigate to OsShop -> Menu Options -> Menu Elite -> Save

Hi Larry

I am aware of the Elite Option but its not what I am looking for.

I was hoping to be able to configure the menu as described on your website. I was using megamenu with nopcommerce previously which looks identical in many respects but the menu was easily configurable. I had created links to product guides, complimentary products etc. I want to be able to do the same but I just cant find where to edit this in this template?

Are they customisable as described?
13 years ago
Well after getting no response I did some code inspection my self and seems like changed their mind in their 1.9 upgrade package and they disabled their custom one page checkout. Their were number of issues with their custom one page checkout that I was hopping to be fixed in this release. For example shipping address handling was not correct, according to code they were always using default shipping address but customer can edit shipping address. I figured that out when I was trying to configure country based shipping methods.

Secondly I don't know any one else tried an upgrade from previous version but I faced problems with upgrade as well. I think these template upgrades are never been tested by developers in real upgrade scenarios. This template is making use of localization strings but upgrade scripts are not aware of that. So first do an upgrade and then you need to manually create localization stuff required. More over their are some topic changes too that doesn't work in upgrade.

Finally I think osshop need to some up with some suitable procedures on their template upgrades. Template upgrades shouldn't contain new modifications or features that could break the things. If you have to release new features release them as separate products. Upgrade patches to things that have been released already should only contain bug fixtures and must work with new release of nopCommerce. Because people who purchased template package was all ready sure about things they need in it and all you guys are required is to keep them happy by resolving bugs  and making it compatible with newer version of nopCommerce.
13 years ago
mazhar wrote:
Well after getting no response I did some code inspection my self and seems like changed their mind in their 1.9 upgrade package and they disabled their custom one page checkout. Their were number of issues with their custom one page checkout that I was hopping to be fixed in this release. For example shipping address handling was not correct, according to code they were always using default shipping address but customer can edit shipping address. I figured that out when I was trying to configure country based shipping methods.

Secondly I don't know any one else tried an upgrade from previous version but I faced problems with upgrade as well. I think these template upgrades are never been tested by developers in real upgrade scenarios. This template is making use of localization strings but upgrade scripts are not aware of that. So first do an upgrade and then you need to manually create localization stuff required. More over their are some topic changes too that doesn't work in upgrade.

Finally I think osshop need to some up with some suitable procedures on their template upgrades. Template upgrades shouldn't contain new modifications or features that could break the things. If you have to release new features release them as separate products. Upgrade patches to things that have been released already should only contain bug fixtures and must work with new release of nopCommerce. Because people who purchased template package was all ready sure about things they need in it and all you guys are required is to keep them happy by resolving bugs  and making it compatible with newer version of nopCommerce.

Have you changed default settings of this template when you upgrade?

Yes, we're starting to separate addons and themes.

We have disabled one page check out and changed it to nopcommerce check out as we believe one page check out is not a feature that is suitable for all stores. As for the theme, we would provide a general feature but not specific features.


13 years ago
larrylan wrote:
Well after getting no response I did some code inspection my self and seems like changed their mind in their 1.9 upgrade package and they disabled their custom one page checkout. Their were number of issues with their custom one page checkout that I was hopping to be fixed in this release. For example shipping address handling was not correct, according to code they were always using default shipping address but customer can edit shipping address. I figured that out when I was trying to configure country based shipping methods.

Secondly I don't know any one else tried an upgrade from previous version but I faced problems with upgrade as well. I think these template upgrades are never been tested by developers in real upgrade scenarios. This template is making use of localization strings but upgrade scripts are not aware of that. So first do an upgrade and then you need to manually create localization stuff required. More over their are some topic changes too that doesn't work in upgrade.

Finally I think osshop need to some up with some suitable procedures on their template upgrades. Template upgrades shouldn't contain new modifications or features that could break the things. If you have to release new features release them as separate products. Upgrade patches to things that have been released already should only contain bug fixtures and must work with new release of nopCommerce. Because people who purchased template package was all ready sure about things they need in it and all you guys are required is to keep them happy by resolving bugs  and making it compatible with newer version of nopCommerce.

Have you changed default settings of this template when you upgrade?

Yes, we're starting to separate addons and themes.

We have disabled one page check out and changed it to nopcommerce check out as we believe one page check out is not a feature that is suitable for all stores. As for the theme, we would provide a general feature but not specific features.



I did some changes but those were only related to CSS styles that I was able to merge. The problem was upgrade package like points I mentioned. For example your home page banner change and using a different name for banner topics. Similarly your new custom localization strings doesn't get imported on an upgraded instance. Lastly removal of custom one page checkout that was there in previous version. You are right that specific features shouldn't be the part of general product but if you have released something then its upgrades shouldn't take away the actual features. The actual reason for my upgrade was getting nopCommerce 1.9 that should work with trendytemplate plus to see if custom one page checkout is fixed or not.
13 years ago
mazhar do you happen to know if the trendyshoes upgrade you downloaded contained the nop 1.9 upgrade as well?
I'm currently in the process of diffing a big bunch of files to get this upgrade happening on my site! not a small undertaking!

I tend to agree.. I'd prefer to separate out bug fix release and new features.. preferably placing more of an emphasis on bug fixes.. while i think new features are fine.. id prefer as a developer to see all future releases fixing bugs and working on performance rather than adding any new features!
13 years ago
thomen wrote:
mazhar do you happen to know if the trendyshoes upgrade you downloaded contained the nop 1.9 upgrade as well?
I'm currently in the process of diffing a big bunch of files to get this upgrade happening on my site! not a small undertaking!

I tend to agree.. I'd prefer to separate out bug fix release and new features.. preferably placing more of an emphasis on bug fixes.. while i think new features are fine.. id prefer as a developer to see all future releases fixing bugs and working on performance rather than adding any new features!

that's what we're doing now. polish the code before adding new features
13 years ago
and i think that's really awesome to hear!
I love trendy shoes.. and i really would love to support it in terms of being able to have a ticketing system and bug reporting etc..
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