Custom plugin - Route works only when logged in as an admin.

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7 years ago
My plugin puts a navigation item in the public store Customer "My Account" page.
Here's the route I add in my plugin

                 new { controller = "PublicCustomerAccounts", action = "List" },
                 new[] { "Nop.Plugin.CustomerAccount.Controllers" }

It works fine when I'm logged in as admin.  But otherwise, it directs me to the login page (with a ReturnUrl):  


I still remain logged in.

When I put a breakpoint in the Login() method (in the core CustomerController), the stack trace shows only that it's coming from "External code".  Expanding that, I see only calls from System.Web.Mvc  (the last one coming from method


So, I have no idea where this redirect is coming from.  Thoughts?

(Might this be some anomaly in that I'm using one of the 'built-in' route urls  - i.e.  Customer/...) ?
7 years ago
New York wrote:
It works fine when I'm logged in as admin.  But otherwise, it directs me to the login page (with a ReturnUrl)

Is is possible that you've accidentally put an [AdminAuthorize] attribute on one of the downstream Controller classes or ActionResults?
7 years ago
That was it.  (copy/paste anti-pattern ;)

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