Can't sort product by position

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13 years ago
hi Eduardo, thank for your reply
its not working for me the product allow sorting is true and i have also disabled cache however looking at the sp

2    CASE WHEN @OrderBy = 0 AND @CategoryID IS NOT NULL AND @CategoryID > 0
3    THEN pcm.DisplayOrder END ASC,
4    CASE WHEN @OrderBy = 0 AND @ManufacturerID IS NOT NULL AND @ManufacturerID > 0
5    THEN pmm.DisplayOrder END ASC,
6    CASE WHEN @OrderBy = 0 AND @RelatedToProductID IS NOT NULL AND @RelatedToProductID > 0
7    THEN rp.DisplayOrder END ASC,
8    CASE WHEN @OrderBy = 0
9    THEN p.[Name] END ASC,
10    CASE WHEN @OrderBy = 5
11    THEN dbo.NOP_getnotnullnotempty(pl.[Name],p.[Name]) END ASC,
12    CASE WHEN @OrderBy = 10
13    THEN pv.Price END ASC,
14    CASE WHEN @OrderBy = 15
15    THEN p.CreatedOn END DESC

line 9 uses the product name where it should use the variant display order further the variant display order should be added to line 3, 5 and 7.

i have played with the variant display order and could not sort by it.

13 years ago
does any one else have the same sorting  problem?
13 years ago
It may depend on what criteria is being used to fetch the products. In my case, Eduardo pointed out that since I was viewing all products by one manufacturer, adjusting the display order under Admin -> Manufacturer -> Products -> Display Order did the trick.
13 years ago
hezyz wrote:
hi Eduardo, thank for your reply
its not working for me the product allow sorting is true and i have also disabled cache however looking at the sp

i have played with the variant display order and could not sort by it.


Hi hezyz:
    the display order that you want is defined at PRODUCT level. This can be don in two ways:

1) In admin>catalog>manage products> Edit or Add New product> Category/Manufacturer Mappings tab: here you can define the display orde for the product for each Category/Manufacturer. You can have the same product with a display orde 1 in category A, 80 in category B and 15 in category C, and somethig alike in case of manufacturers.

2) Define,as cisfc said, the products which are displayed and in which order in Admin -> Manufacturer/Category -> Products with corresponding  Display Order in that Manufacturer/Category list
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