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13 years ago
Hi, I've been searching and reading on this forum a lot. I've seen many topics that would discuss about this issue, but none that could fix my problem.

So here is my client's website

I've been working a lot on it, as you can see from the Page Execution time it is properly being generated, only it isn't being displayed at a reasonable speed.

I'm currently being hosted by, I know my code has nothing to do with the loading time since it was like that from the default installation of NopCommerce.

I'm running NopCommerce v1.9, ASP 4.0.

I believe it has something to do with the IIS or ASP configuration...or not, I dont know. I paid for Cron Jobs to be executed to ping the server, still nothing.

Please help, this would GREATLY be appreciated, I am currently past the due deadline with my client.

Thanks again please help.

[P.S. i dont mean to create two threads for the same issue i just dont know which category it should have been into]
13 years ago
>>  it was like that from the default installation of NopCommerce.

I'm sure everyone knows that they should do this, but just in case, . .
have you changed the debug="true" to "false"?
Having debug=true will slow your website down.

<customErrors mode="Off" defaultRedirect="errorpage.htm">

<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0">  << change it here....
13 years ago
I tested your site, the loading time of home page seems ok, and the product page is a bit slow, about 20sec, so I think it's acceptable speed.
13 years ago
Sorry for the late reply, yes i tried with and without debug mode. It's still doing the same thing.

20sec loading pages is definately NOT acceptable... =/
13 years ago
It looks like it is grabbing jquery from both Google and

Does this make sense?
13 years ago
Hi, thanks for looking into my issue, unfortunately this is unrelated and normal. It is loading a jquery plugin called "hevoq", and hevoq needs Jquery in order to run (which i am loading from google).

I am still having issues with the speed of the website at this moment.

Please help :) Thanks
13 years ago
I think you need a tool to check which file slows down the loading, may be you can use httpwatch.
13 years ago
I use Firebug and yslow in Firefox to review page loads. It is odd that takes 12s to create. takes 7s. But, the first page has pagination. Could that cause a speed issue on building the page?

Most of the product pages load under 6s for me.
13 years ago
I tried both firebug and google chrome's built-in agent. Everything is loading under 1sec for me. But only after the page is responding that it is tracking the data. That is why I suspect it being a server problem, more then what's being loaded on the client-side.

Any idea how to fix that? How do I configure the asp pool recycling for nop commerce or i really don't know anymore what could fix this... Also, notice how only the pages with products are painfully loading? The pages like "About" "Contact us" are going super fast.
13 years ago
still need help with this =/...
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