eCommerce Blog - Page 10

Strategy to offer Discounts without affecting your Overall Profit in nopCommerce

Strategy to offer Discounts without affecting your  Overall Profit in nopCommerce

Managing discounts is a huge task that requires a proper strategy to strike a good balance between motivating buyers and making the business profit. Read about different types of discounts and how to manage them in nopCommerce.

6 minutes read

5 Trends in B2B Product Marketing

5 Trends in B2B Product Marketing

Let’s look at some of the top B2B product marketing trends and how they should be reflected in your eCommerce website to prepare you for long term growth.

5 minutes read

How 'Buy Now, Pay Later' is helping grow eCommerce sales

How 'Buy Now, Pay Later' is helping grow eCommerce sales

There are many benefits of Buy Now, Pay Later systems. The systems have been proven to grow sales, increase conversions, and increase the basket size, all by offering handy credit to shoppers. Learn how BNPL can help your business.

5 minutes read

Migration from .NET Core 2.2 to .NET Core 3.1: nopCommerce experience

Migration from .NET Core 2.2 to .NET Core 3.1: nopCommerce experience

In this article, we'd like to show you, why and how we have migrated nopCommerce to .NET Core 3.1, and how it influenced the project.

It’s worth migrating a project if you’re willing to take full advantage of the updated framework and keep up with technological innovations and growing global trends. We suggest you learn all the specificities of the migration on the example of nopCommerce.

15 minutes read

Why use nopCommerce for your B2B eCommerce project

Why use nopCommerce for your B2B eCommerce project

nopCommerce would be a good pick if you’re looking for a platform to launch your B2B store. Read further to get a detailed overview of in-built nopCommerce features for B2B eCommerce and check the selection of real projects made on the platform.

7 minutes read

9 out-of-the-box nopCommerce features you should use to market your online store

9 out-of-the-box nopCommerce features you should use to market your online store

To build and grow your eCommerce business, you need a marketing strategy. Choosing nopCommerce as your eCommerce platform already puts you a step ahead, since it offers a range of excellent marketing features.

Here, we will share 9 out-of-the-box features in nopCommerce that you can use to create an eCommerce marketing strategy for your store.

8 minutes read

How an industry-leading eCommerce company grew revenue 42% with Sendinblue

How an industry-leading eCommerce company grew revenue 42% withSendinblue

Properly set up targeted emails for abandoned searches and email segmentation can help you significantly increase your sales. The inspiring case study of 42% revenue growth in a year, presented by our technology partner SendinBlue, clearly confirms this. Check it to find out how you can optimize email marketing in your online store, too.

10 minutes read

What's new in nopCommerce 4.30

What's new in nopCommerce 4.30

nopCommerce 4.30 is officially released! This release has become the most long awaited in the history of the platform, but we managed to implement a bunch of significant changes in it. nopCommerce now has even higher performance and security level, and working with the platform is even more convenient. We are very proud of the gained results and hope you will find them useful.

Read further to find out about the main changes in nopCommerce 4.30.

5 minutes read

8 Tactics to Increase Conversion Rates of Your Ecommerce Store

8 Tactics to Increase Conversion Rates of Your Ecommerce Store

Are you wondering why you aren't making any sales even with the huge number of traffic that your eCommerce store gets?

Your marketing strategies are working quite well. You are getting a ton of traffic, but aren't making any sales. Then what's the problem?

Running a successful eCommerce store is much more than generating a ton of traffic. You need to convert this traffic into sales. Realistically, not everyone who visits your site would convert into a paying customer. What you should be concerned about is the percentage of people that visit your site and end up purchasing a product.

25 minutes read

Important changes in the marketplace

Important changes in the marketplace

The nopCommerce marketplace has 1,500+ integrations, plugins, and graphical themes from almost 300 vendors. A large and diverse marketplace is very important to allow everyone to easily customize their store. But with a large number of products, it should be well-structured and contain detailed and clear descriptions. Otherwise, the buyers would not be able to find the needed extensions.

That is why we initiate changes to improve our marketplace and make it more convenient. We have seriously updated the requirements for extensions and themes. Starting from today, the nopCommerce team will carry out quality control checks of all the extensions there. Find the details below.

5 minutes read