nopgabriel wrote:
In going from 1.9 to 2.0, what I udnerstand is you have to first run the app from the admin, then finish, close it, then run the script. I went through that error 10 times.

I did finally upgrade, however, I wasn't satisfied to what it brought over. SO i copied all my pages in html code, then exported the 2.1(since if I was going to go new, I was going for the latest install version) excel document.
Exported the 1.9, then pasted the 1.9 into the 2.1 excel sheet, noticed there are three more fields that need populating in 2.1 and added the arbitrary data to get the import working, plus I also used the last part as the path, to point over the location to the product image.

I can't still upgrade. How do you mean by run the app from the admin? if you could, please give me some directions, step by step would be great. I'd appreciate it! thank you