Nop 2.0 order of steps in checkout

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12 years ago
Thanks Andrei - I'll keep the issue in mind.

BTW - I've noticed to problems with the plugin:

1. Does not use IPN which causes a lot of the transations to be marked as not paid even though they we paid

2. Rounding error causing orders not being marked as paid:

12 years ago
fkierzek wrote:
Does not use IPN which causes a lot of the transations to be marked as not paid even though they we paid
"which causes lot's or orders that are paid not to be marked as paid because user did not return to store after completing payment"

IPN is invoked by PayPal no matter whether a customer returns or not. PDT is invoked only when a customer returns. So IPN should work fine

fkierzek wrote:
Rounding error causing orders not being marked as paid:

Can you please post your order details (product, prices) so I can replicate the issue? It'll have a look.
12 years ago
Regarding IPN - you're right. However IPN return address can be set in PayPal or dynamically from nop code. Nop code doesn't set it. I my case where I have more than one store using same paypal account, the IPN goes to the wrong place. I think it can be set as follows:

            string returnUrl = _webHelper.GetStoreLocation(false) + "Plugins/PaymentPayPalStandard/PDTHandler";
            string cancelReturnUrl = _webHelper.GetStoreLocation(false) + "Plugins/PaymentPayPalStandard/CancelOrder";
            string ipn_url = _webHelper.GetStoreLocation(false) + "Plugins/PaymentPayPalStandard/IPNHandler"; //IPN - instant payment notification
            builder.AppendFormat("&return={0}&cancel_return={1}&notify_url={2}", HttpUtility.UrlEncode(returnUrl), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(cancelReturnUrl), HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ipn_url));

Disclaimer: I waiting for next order to come to see if it will work as I think it will.


PS. Please PM me your email so that I can send you some screenshots related to the rounding error.
12 years ago
a.m. wrote:

Can you please post your order details (product, prices) so I can replicate the issue? It'll have a look.

I've uploaded to some screenshots to the codeplex:

12 years ago
fkierzek wrote:
I've uploaded to some screenshots to the codeplex...

So the order is marked as paid, but we lost 0.01 zloty. Please connect to your database (SSMS), open [Order] table and copy all the total of this order (60036) here. I mean subtotal, total, tax, exchange rate, etc.

BTW, have you enabled 'Pass product names and order totals to PayPal' option on your PayPal configuration page (admin area)? If yes, then copy totals of appropriate order product variants here ([OrderProductVariant] table)
12 years ago
Order table:

Id  60036
OrderGuid  B817D20F-9A84-4191-A88F-CA2CEAC35EC5
CustomerId  8350
OrderStatusId  20
ShippingStatusId  20
PaymentStatusId  30
PaymentMethodSystemName  Payments.PayPalStandard
CustomerCurrencyCode  GBP
CurrencyRate  0.2133
CustomerTaxDisplayTypeId  0
OrderSubtotalInclTax  39.3066
OrderSubtotalExclTax  37.4348
OrderSubTotalDiscountInclTax  0
OrderSubTotalDiscountExclTax  0
OrderShippingInclTax  0
OrderShippingExclTax  0
PaymentMethodAdditionalFeeInclTax  0
PaymentMethodAdditionalFeeExclTax  0
TaxRates  5:1.871742857142857142857142857;  
OrderTax  1.8717
OrderDiscount  0
OrderTotal  39.3066
RefundedAmount  0
CheckoutAttributesXml  NULL
CustomerLanguageId  2
AffiliateId  NULL
AllowStoringCreditCardNumber  0
AuthorizationTransactionId  NULL
AuthorizationTransactionCode  NULL
AuthorizationTransactionResult  NULL
CaptureTransactionId  NULL
CaptureTransactionResult  NULL
SubscriptionTransactionId  NULL
PurchaseOrderNumber  NULL
PaidDateUtc  52:18.7
ShippingMethod  Poczta Priorytetowa / Unregistered Priority Mail
ShippingRateComputationMethodSystemName  Shipping.ByWeight
ShippedDateUtc  NULL
DeliveryDateUtc  NULL
OrderWeight  0.29
Deleted  0
CreatedOnUtc  03:13.4
BillingAddressId  126
ShippingAddressId  127

Only one product in order:

Id  91
OrderProductVariantGuid  0B946B32-29DF-4C0F-853B-CE008F65FDCC
OrderId  60036
ProductVariantId  342328
Quantity  1
UnitPriceInclTax  39.3066
UnitPriceExclTax  37.4348
PriceInclTax  39.3066
PriceExclTax  37.4348
DiscountAmountInclTax  0
DiscountAmountExclTax  0
DownloadCount  0
IsDownloadActivated  0
LicenseDownloadId  0

Here is the ProductVariant row for the product:

Id  342328
ProductId  350623
Sku  53104700153KS
ManufacturerPartNumber  978-83-08-04623-4
IsGiftCard  0
GiftCardTypeId  0
IsDownload  0
DownloadId  0
UnlimitedDownloads  0
MaxNumberOfDownloads  0
DownloadExpirationDays  0
DownloadActivationTypeId  0
HasSampleDownload  0
SampleDownloadId  0
HasUserAgreement  0
IsRecurring  0
RecurringCycleLength  0
RecurringCyclePeriodId  0
RecurringTotalCycles  0
IsShipEnabled  1
IsFreeShipping  0
AdditionalShippingCharge  0
IsTaxExempt  0
TaxCategoryId  1
ManageInventoryMethodId  0
StockQuantity  100
DisplayStockAvailability  1
DisplayStockQuantity  1
MinStockQuantity  1
LowStockActivityId  0
NotifyAdminForQuantityBelow  0
BackorderModeId  0
OrderMinimumQuantity  1
OrderMaximumQuantity  99
DisableBuyButton  0
CallForPrice  0
Price  39.3066
OldPrice  0
ProductCost  24.003
CustomerEntersPrice  0
MinimumCustomerEnteredPrice  0
MaximumCustomerEnteredPrice  0
Weight  0.29
Length  1
Width  1
Height  1
PictureId  0
AvailableStartDateTimeUtc  NULL
AvailableEndDateTimeUtc  NULL
Published  1
Deleted  0
DisplayOrder  3
CreatedOnUtc  29:13.9
UpdatedOnUtc  29:13.9
AzymutId  53104700153KS
CenaDetaliczna  32

The order was placed using GBP as currency and passed to PayPal as PLN, which is the store primary currency and primary exchange rate currency.

Let me know if you need anything else.

12 years ago
I forgot to mention that I marked the as paid myself (manually). It didn't mark itself paid automatically.

12 years ago
Thanks for info. I think I know how to fix PayPal PDT handler. Your product price is 39.3066. Anyway a customer sees 39.31. Is it acceptable for you to set it to 39.31? I presume it'll fix the issue (a temporary solution).
12 years ago

I don't have a problem with customer paying 0.01 to little. My temporary fix is to switch rounding in paypal PDT code from 2 decimal paces to 1 decimal places :-)

I am just helping you hunt this one down for the benefit of community and nop 2.1 :-)

12 years ago

Have a look at changeset 3c7011d1d4d2. Set 'ShoppingCartSettings.RoundPricesDuringCalculation' setting to 'true'. After it's done, this PayPal issue should be fixed. Rounding is always an issue in any e-commerce application. But when this setting is set to 'true', it causes another issue: =(((
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