Getting started. Installing and upgrading nopCommerce.

10 years ago
maker2254 wrote:
I downloaded 3.10 . Since I wanted to run the latest version and memory consumption problem of nopcommerce , i purchased VPS hosting .  my hosting space was created under c:/myhostingspace, i gave required permissions (read, write, execute ) IIS_USER  user and admin user. Installed MVC 4.+ , I changed the physical location of root folder to my hosting space I mentioned above. Assigned .net framework 4 integrated application pool. I also installed the .net framework4.5 changed the webconfig value as mentioned some other post . Still no go .

Please some one advise me step by step , iis 7.5 and nopcommerce 3.10 installation .

i dont want to go change to php and magento please help

You need to use application pool and close your SQL database for SQL connection; Define an application pool dedicated to Nopcommerce so that you get an application id.

Now go to SQL security (on overall database level, not on your own nop database). add user IISAPPPOOL\YOUR APP POOL NAME (most likely the name you filled in to create the site). Press check names..if correct...then assign dbowner and public rights on the server mappings. Now your db has user permissions.

Give the same app. pool identity user rights (not IIS_USER) full control to the nopcommerce folder. Also do repeat this after upgrading since the folder copied again does not have this permissions (or set them to inherit; but do not know myself how to do that exactly).

Once everythings is working, do not allow SQL server for remote connections, use windows identity app pool users only. You need to modify app_data/settings.txt I believe (not sure since normally in ASP.NET the web.config states the connection string) and I am too new to Nop to know exactly where it is located.

Read posts about how to make your IIS secure and how to install https etc.
10 years ago
bharvad.umesh wrote:
i have downloaded nopCommerce source code, but when i try to open solution in visual studio 2012,  after loading half project its getting busy.. and not able to run project.

what is the problem? any one help me in this?

Go for VS2013 so you have latest.
10 years ago
edssron wrote:
I read the system requirements
I have:
Visual Studio 2012 with MVC4
MS SQL 2012

It should be OK, but Instead the Installer did not satisfied and wants to install missing components.

Surely I did use administrators privilege as recommended.
Any Ideas?

Lets the installer install required software
10 years ago
Diroen wrote:
I am Dutch maybe my Englisch is not so good. sorry

I just have download nopcommerce.
I put it in a map named nopcommerce on C  programe files.

But i can not find the pictogram to start the program?
where do I find this pictogram? Or how do i start the program?

Thank you for your help.

Hi Carla,

Deze software werkt niet als een 'programma' op je PC maar als een programma op een webserver. Daartoe heb je webserver software installatie nodig, daar werkt NOPcommerce in.

Het beste kun je eerst IIS opzetten en dan via de WebPlatform installeren.

Wellicht iemand in je omgeving zoeken die iets meer weet over IIS. Of kijk eens op van Microsoft. Daar staat heel veel informatie wat je nodig hebt.


10 years ago
Everything worked fine Upgrading from 3.10 to 3.20 by just following the Readme.txt Instructions as is except:

1. Category Navigation (on the left) now shows under filters instead of always on top (when filters are available).

Thank you in advance for all your time and great work.

NEVER-MIND GUYS I found it, It was Under the Nop AjaX Filter Settings.

10 years ago
Someone here knows install NopCommerce 3:20 manually without using visual studio.
I need to install it manually only on a windows server 2012 server + Plesk.

to to those who can help me add me on facebook: [email protected]

I really need help I'm returning this knowledge and Payment
10 years ago
Dracker wrote:
Someone here knows install NopCommerce 3:20 manually without using visual studio.
I need to install it manually only on a windows server 2012 server + Plesk.

to to those who can help me add me on skype or facebook: [email protected]

I really need help I'm returning this knowledge and Payment
10 years ago
Use the Microsoft Web API, search for nopCommerce and have it install for you. Of course take care of database setup as a requirement for this. You can best dive into the installation manual. If you encounter any problems, please post those. In the commercial forum you can request somebody to have the installation done by paying somebody.
10 years ago
I've just download the latest version of nopCommerce(no source) and when trying to install on my server I receive follow error:
HTTP Error 500.21 - Internal Server Error
Handler "ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" has a bad module "ManagedPipelineHandler" in its module list
Could you explain please what I do wrong?
10 years ago
SergM wrote:
I've just download the latest version of nopCommerce(no source) and when trying to install on my server I receive follow error:
HTTP Error 500.21 - Internal Server Error
Handler "ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" has a bad module "ManagedPipelineHandler" in its module list
Could you explain please what I do wrong?

I am getting the same error.