Impersonate function bug???

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9 years ago
embryo wrote:

It works fine. "Finish impersonated session" button is there. I presume you accidentally removed it.

Information about impersonated customer is stored [GenericAttribute] table ("ImpersonatedCustomerId" key)
9 years ago
Where exactly is the button called..on which view?

I made no changes to my views...definitely did not remove the button.

I only added an additional javascript part to my google analytics script in google analytics plugin screen..which does render a tracking pixel on order complete page... I think it has a conflict.

9 years ago
ivanslater wrote:
Just open /logout page and the impersonation will end.

Dont worry about the finish button!

This doesn't work for us....I go to the /logout page and it logs me out, however, when I log in again using my admin credentials, the site thinks I am still the customer that I had been impersonating before....
9 years ago
a.m. wrote:
It works fine. "Finish impersonated session" button is there. I presume you accidentally removed it.

Information about impersonated customer is stored [GenericAttribute] table ("ImpersonatedCustomerId" key)

OK, I ran this query:
SELECT        Id, EntityId, KeyGroup, [Key], Value, StoreId
FROM            GenericAttribute
WHERE        ([Key] = 'ImpersonatedCustomerId')

...and removed the key values on the impersonated orders and now my admin logins work again!!!

Now I just need to figure out why the impersonate button does not appear on my order completed page.

About 1 month ago, I added a new plugin for "Google Trusted Store", which has code that appears as widget on order completed page. We were still able to impersonate orders with no problem.

Last week I added this javascript function into my google analytics plugin screen:

(function() {
var _fbq = window._fbq || (window._fbq = []);
if (!_fbq.loaded) {
var fbds = document.createElement('script');
fbds.async = true;
fbds.src = '//';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
s.parentNode.insertBefore(fbds, s);
_fbq.loaded = true;
_fbq.push(['addPixelId', 'xxx123456789xxx']);
window._fbq = window._fbq || [];
window._fbq.push(['track', 'PixelInitialized', {}]);

The tracking code for facebook and google both work OK, but the button to finish impersonating is no longer displayed.

Can the problem be related?

Also, if I cannot solve the problem with the there another way to end an impersonated session other than editing the key value column in the GenericAttribute database table?
9 years ago
a.m. wrote:
It works fine. "Finish impersonated session" button is there. I presume you accidentally removed it.

Information about impersonated customer is stored [GenericAttribute] table ("ImpersonatedCustomerId" key)

Where would I have "accidentally removed it" from?? Which view??
I don't see it referenced on the completed.cshtml, which is where the button was appearing before, and it isn't on any of the other OPC pages..

I just don't see how I could have removed it....
9 years ago
I removed the recently added facebook tracking code, and still my "impersonate user" functions are not working correctly, so I haven't got a clue why it's happening...I assumed it must have been a conflict in the code, but that appears not to be the case.

When i click the Place order button in admin customer screen, there is no indication on any page that it is an impersonated session...not in the header, and not on the Thank you page after order is complete...

So..... I have no way to end the impersonated session other than to open the generic attributes table in SSMS and manually delete the values for any impersonated sessions....which is a total pain in the backside considering that we use the impersonate function many times per day.

Can anyone please shed some light on what might cause this functionality to stop working?

Or can somebody please suggest a way that I can just mimic the function of the "Finish impersonating" button ?? there a URL I can access which has SQL code to delete the currently impersonated customer ID from the genericattributes table?

9 years ago
We also have this issue on V3.4 the impersonate session link botton is not present?
Any ideas?
Many thanks,
9 years ago
A short term fix if you have more than one administrator login account is to delete the account in use and set up again. This removes you from the impersonate customer function.
We have many plugins on our site however nothing recently added, any help on this is appreciated.
Thank you,
9 years ago
Maybe, if you and I compare which plugins we have, we can pinpoint the problem.
I will send you a Private Message.
9 years ago
This issue is still unresolved, but I may have discovered a clue:

For some reason, my site now has 3 separate 'Guest' roles configured, and I know we didn't add the 2 extras.
How is this possible, and could it be the reason our impersonation features have stopped working?

Oh...and how can I be sure which of the 3 guest roles to not delete?? I'm guessing that I should leave the one with the lower ID number...

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