nopCommerce 1.70 is coming in 10 days. Beta testers needed.

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13 years ago
kingboyk wrote:
Do we have an ETA on 1.7?

In 1-2 days
13 years ago
alwoodjs wrote:
Doing some testing on 1.7 and the Skip/hide "Payment info" page if order total is 0 (configurable for each payment method)
does not work for me.

It works fine for me. "payment info" page is skipped (not "select payment method" page)
13 years ago
SWW wrote:

Arvixe appears to support 4.0.  See here  Hope to be testing it on their server myself soon.

I using for test Arvixe! Very nice (see Good painel (cpainel), good speedy,possibility to create multiple database sql server 2008.
13 years ago
The category template ProductsInLines1 still contains an erroneous hyperlink as reported in this post by Yidna. This link shows up when the category is using the ProductsInLine1 template and there are featured products to display.

This link was introduced in change set 54121 (line 46):

File: Templates\Categories\ProductsInLines1.ascx (line 49, underlined -shown in context)
    <a href="~/Templates/Categories/ProductsInGrid.ascx">~/Templates/Categories/ProductsInGrid.ascx</a>
    <asp:DataList ID="dlFeaturedProducts" runat="server" RepeatColumns="2" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"
        RepeatLayout="Table" ItemStyle-CssClass="item-box">
            <nopcommerce:productbox1 id="ctrlProductBox" product='<%# Container.DataItem %>'
                runat="server" />

13 years ago
nopCommerce team | a.m. wrote:
It works fine for me. "payment info" page is skipped (not "select payment method" page)

Yes I found that out but if the total is zero why would you ask for a payment method?
13 years ago
alwoodjs wrote:

Yes I found that out but if the total is zero why would you ask for a payment method?

Not tested this myself but agree with poster. The entire payment stage should be skipped if the total is zero.
13 years ago
There is logical error about Shipping Rate and Shipping Methods.  The Shipping Rate shoud can be applied to certain Shipping Method/Methods.
For example, when I add $100 for fixed shipping rate customer gets charged for $100 shipping fee even he is going to do In Store Pick up.


13 years ago
kingboyk wrote:
OK Andrei thanks. I think what I submitted is a good starting point, it just needs to be modified to work with the new DAL and a few loose ends tied up (such as putting the VAT numbers onto the invoices). I'm happy to help further if I have time - you have my email address so give me a shout if you need me. Cheers.

If it turns out you don't want to use what I submitted then please let me know, as I think then we'll polish, package it up and sell it as an add on. I'd rather give it to the source base but I can't let the work go to waste. I need to get our own shop deployed and we need the reverse charge VAT feature and web service lookup because we will sell mostly b2b. I'm starting to be under pressure on this.
13 years ago
kingboyk wrote:
If it turns out you don't want to use what I submitted then please let me know, as I think then we'll polish, package it up and sell it as an add on. I'd rather give it to the source base but I can't let the work go to waste. I need to get our own shop deployed and we need the reverse charge VAT feature and web service lookup because we will sell mostly b2b. I'm starting to be under pressure on this.

You did a good job. As I've already written it was not included in nopCommerce 1.70. But it's on our roadmap (it'll be included in one of the further releases). Our average release time is 1.5-2 months.

Not sure that I got you, but if you want to sell it as an add-on and don't want us to include it into official release, then let me know.
13 years ago
No that's all I wanted to hear Andrei. I don't prefer to sell it, I prefer to donate it, we get some free advertising from the source code credit and don't have to deal with maintenance, and everybody's happy!

Full VAT support in 1.8 based on my submission and I'll be a very happy bunny indeed.

I was just saying if you're not going to use it please let me know because I need this feature for our own site and would prefer to package it up for sale rather than just patch it into our site or let it go to waste, but it sounds like you plan to so that's cool.
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