nopCommerce 4.10 BETA released. Please share your impressions

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6 years ago
anonymous99 wrote:
Becarefull, every instalation send request to (in admin panel).


This is there since many previous versions. The request is to fetch news from nopCommerce which is then displayed on Dashboard.

Beside this, it is an open-source project. You can remove that if it frightens.

Hope this would help everyone.

Thank you,
6 years ago
Congratulation team. Great work!
6 years ago
Every request with your domain will be saved in nopcommerce.
Check this
6 years ago
anonymous99 wrote:


Yes but what is problem into that?
6 years ago
Greate work team..started evaluations...!!!
6 years ago
In the release notes it says:
● Removed PayPal Direct plugin from the solution
● Removed FedEx plugin from the solution

Does that mean that the Nop team will no longer support those plugins?
6 years ago
First Impressions from a brand new user switching from Odoo.

I downloaded the source code and ran in VS with no issues. I installed the database against SQL 2017 Express on Linux (Ubuntu 16.04) but it seemed the install web page was hung so I check the database and all the tables seem to be there. Then the install web page (running in debug in VS) stopped for some reason without any note or warning. I restarted the project in debug mode and the site came up and looks great. So there might be something hokie with installing the database in debug mode in VS? No biggie though.

One thing to note, the install page was not responsive to my browser window size changes. From a user experience, it sucked to have to re-enter the passwords in 3 fields over and over as I worked out the permissions needed in SQL. My recommendations is on the install page, put a link to a visual guide to what permissions to set for a non-sa user in SQL.

Clicking around in the customer website menus results in load times of 2-4 secs; however, my database server in in the cloud and the app is running locally on VS so that is to be expected.

Overall, the site looks nice and responsive. I am looking forward to learning more about nopCommerce running on Linux. My expertise is in C# Core/SQL for enterprise applications and not python/postgresql so I am excited to switch.

Has anyone created a guide on how to deploy this version to Ubuntu?
6 years ago
That's Great news.

I try to operate the various things.
6 years ago
Congratulation to the whole team. The full release notes just awesome. Really you people are making best e-commerce engine in the world.
6 years ago
why did we drop LocalizationExtensions from Nop.Service ?

category.GetLocalized(x => x.Name) now be replaced by a clumsy synctax _localizationService.GetLocalized(category, x => x.Name)
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