Extra fields

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13 years ago
sternyy wrote:
In the instructions for this extension it says you have to turn off filtering for any specs using it. AFAIK you can only filter the default specs, not the specs created with this extension.

Correct.  Since the filtering on the category pages use the specs to create the values.  There would need to be some way to get all the possible values from the cross table and build the filter display using that.  Or manually build it.  plus it would have to be expanded since its a bit more then click on a link or selecting a value from a menu.

if you have any product examples like the doctorstore,  that helps greatly to work this out and how they would be filtered also.  I cant really find any that would use custom values and filtering.  As opposed to just creating the options and using those.

So like a number or date field you would want see all products < = > then a certain weight, watts, voltage etc.. by either entering a value, selecting a value or date picker for a date.   Then for a text it would be either a exact or partial match.

Ill ponder it

13 years ago
Keith really did a great job on this. I really would have had a hard time getting nopCommerce to work with our product line. With hundreds of products, everyone with a different wattage, voltage, size, weight and schematic image.

The mod has really worked well for us.
13 years ago
edcorusa wrote:
Keith really did a great job on this. I really would have had a hard time getting nopCommerce to work with our product line. With hundreds of products, everyone with a different wattage, voltage, size, weight and schematic image.

The mod has really worked well for us.

I agree. I am excited to test this out on my store. My first priority was to be able to not have "pre-defined" specs in the admin. Next is to be able to filter it.

Once some filtering can be done on a reasonable level, this allows you to have a "faceted search" like those $$$$$ websites ;)
13 years ago
SonicImaging wrote:

if you have any product examples like the doctorstore,  that helps greatly to work this out and how they would be filtered also.  I cant really find any that would use custom values and filtering.  As opposed to just creating the options and using those.


I'm working on it... Currently i'm working on my main project with another ecommerce platform. Nop was shown to me as an asp.net alternative so it is a bit of a pet project ;)

Let me give a better example with some photoshop mockups. I really like < = >, but if having the specs as the filters like the default specs, that works too.

Faceted search is my overall goal... and so far this is great!
13 years ago
SonicImaging wrote:
In the instructions for this extension it says you have to turn off filtering for any specs using it. AFAIK you can only filter the default specs, not the specs created with this extension.

Correct.  Since the filtering on the category pages use the specs to create the values.  There would need to be some way to get all the possible values from the cross table and build the filter display using that.  Or manually build it.  plus it would have to be expanded since its a bit more then click on a link or selecting a value from a menu.

if you have any product examples like the doctorstore,  that helps greatly to work this out and how they would be filtered also.  I cant really find any that would use custom values and filtering.  As opposed to just creating the options and using those.

So like a number or date field you would want see all products < = > then a certain weight, watts, voltage etc.. by either entering a value, selecting a value or date picker for a date.   Then for a text it would be either a exact or partial match.

Ill ponder it


This extension is becoming very powerful and I belive in a fuure release it should be integrated witin NC. I would call it "Specification and Information Attributes"

For filtering/advance search only Value, Number and Date (maybe Links too) should be considered and if posible should be added to the search/filter tables as new non preefined data are added when editin a product in Product Specifications tab.

Here are some examples of extensive using specs/info attributes of many kinds.

This catalog (sorry in Spanish) has more than 20,000 products
See attributes:
Hoja: AU03400V (Para ver página da Click aquí)  <<< this has a link to a PDF to the page of a detaled catalog about the products
Origen: Taiwan, R.O.C.  
Marca: ND  
Unidad: Pieza  
Empaque: Blister  

At the left column there is an advanced search which includes attribute "Hoja"
Por producto  
Por hoja  
Por clave  

This catalog (sorry in Spanish) has more than 6,000 products
See attributes:
MARCA: CRAYOLA  <<<< with link for a search
NoFabricante: 03-7674  

Más productos de esta marca:  FUJIFILM  <<z<<with linl
Can have additional ones which exhibits buttons (not shown here) for a) Linking to a video about the product b)Linking to a PDF with operating instructions

Here HTML attributes could be used for information in tabs (overview, In the box, Details/Manuals...)
13 years ago
The Product Spec Mod for v190 has been added to the extensions for v190



13 years ago
SonicImaging wrote:
The Product Spec Mod for v190 has been added to the extensions for v190




Thank you sooo much Keith, it is a very powerful extension
13 years ago
No problem,  More stuff on the way after the holidays.

I did forget to check and test the import / export changes and my system is down at the moment.  There were less changes for 190 since most of the calls are moving types instead of each param

later tonight ill check the import / export side of things and re-submit the mod if needed.


eadameg wrote:
The Product Spec Mod for v190 has been added to the extensions for v190



Thank you sooo much Keith, it is a very powerful extension
13 years ago
Sorry I must have grabbed the wrong file so you'll have to make a quick change

if you open Libraries/Nop.Businesslogic/Products/Specs/ProductSpecificationAttributes.cs

You'll need to change

Public bool Value


Public string Value

Ill update that and the import / export later tonight

13 years ago
Thank you very much. You've done great work. This should be part of the nopCommerce core.
Happy Holidays. Take some time off to celebrate the holidays.
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