Multi Store Support fro Nop 2.2 - 2.3

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12 years ago
Store Procedures are supported now

The full solution is already updated with the stored procedures and the latest changeset from 10/11/11 (today)

if u wish to update the stored procedures your self, follow the link
12 years ago
I've been looking through the site and so far the only thing I've found that doesn't function is the home page best sellers.
I'm still looking into why but I thought I should give you a heads up.
12 years ago
what do u mean by home page bestsellers ?
12 years ago
I should have outlined the steps to reproduce.  My fault.

On the home page, if activated in the admin menu, best sellers are displayed in boxes similar to featured products (home\index.cshtml refers to catalog\homepagebestsellers.cshtml).

In a working version of nopCommerce a single purchase of any item should produce results as long as the checkbox in the Admin Menu (Configuration/Settings/Catalog Settings/'Show Best Sellers on home page' is set to true.

I haven't been able to test on your demo site because the checkbox is restricted but on my local site, when I check the box and test a few orders, nothing happens.
12 years ago
bestsellers on home page is working. In order to show bestsellers u need to complete at least one order, that is why it did not appear on the home page
12 years ago
I definitely did put several orders through for testing.  

Since mine isn't working and yours is, we must be out of sync.  
I will reset my system from your upload and reinstall the database again to get back in sync.  I initially used your second to last install, prior to the stored procedures update.  I may have messed something up in the process of updating the stored procedures (last step).
I apologize for the trouble.

Is the file on wordpress your latest revision or is it available somewhere else?
12 years ago
Started over.
Downloaded latest from wordpress.
built, prepare.bat, deploy.bat, copy the deployable files and create a new website.
Install a new SQL database, leave blank with windows auth.

Installed nop sucessfully with sample data to the new database.

Try and add any item to cart.

Get the following error;
Parser Error
Description: An error occurred during the parsing of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific parse error details and modify your source file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Unexpected "if" keyword after "@" character. Once inside code, you do not need to prefix constructs like "if" with "@".

Source Error:
Line 293:               </div>
Line 294:               }
Line 295:               @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.CurrentDiscountCode))
Line 296:               {
Line 297:               <div class="clear">

I went ahead and removed the extra "@" from the line just to see if it was a simple mistype.  Now instead of the error, it redirects to the shopping cart but does not add the item to the cart.

In other words, it is impossible to add items to the cart using your latest install.
12 years ago
Sorry i had a bug there, any way I have fixed it and just uploaded a new file includes all the latest Nop changesets

please download again

and for the bestsellers try the demo store
12 years ago
just downloaded the latest from wordpress.  

The checkout process definitely works now but I'm still having the same issue on home page best sellers.  

Here's the exact process I took.
1. download from wordpress
2. extract
3. open the sln with VS 2010.
4. build
5. run prepare.bat and deploy.bat.
6. copy the contents of deployable to a fresh directory.
7. create a website from the folder using Web Matrix.
8. create a new database in SQL Management Studio.
9. Run the site from Web Matrix.
10.  Install the database.
11.  Log in as admin and set the option to show best sellers on the home page to true.
12. return to the public store and make a purchase using the pay in store option making sure to complete the order.
13. verify that the best sellers by quantity and best sellers by value are appearing in the Admin/Dashboard.

The results of the previous, using the nopCommerce 2.2 download from codeplex, results in product boxes for best sellers on the home page.  
Multistore still does not do this.. at least from the download.  
I can see that it is working on the demo site so there must be a difference between what you have posted for demo and what is downloadable.
12 years ago

I am getting this error on Search and Products-By-Tag:

Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately.

Compiler Error Message: CS1003: Syntaxfehler. "(" erwartet.

Source Error:

Line 11: @using Nop.Web.Framework.UI;
Line 12: @using Nop.Web.Models.Catalog;
Line 13: @using·Nop.Web.Extensions;
Line 14:
Line 15: <div class="producttag-page">

Source File: d:\Web\haas2012\nop22ms\Views\Catalog\ProductsByTag.cshtml    Line: 13

In the source-file ProductsByTag.cshtml - line 13

@using·Nop.Web.Extensions;    <- ERROR (translated from German, something like: ..cannot implicitly convert to System.IDisposable

... Advice very welcome!!

Thank you,
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