nopCommerce 3.80 roadmap and estimated release date. Let's discuss

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8 years ago
Could we just move to bootstrap completely or at least organize the css hell into .sass ?
8 years ago
What is the best Visual Studio to use for 3.80 - I had a problem loading the .csproj file for the Nop.Web project with Visual Studio 2015 Community, should I try with Visual Studio 2013?
8 years ago
olga_zov wrote:
Hi Andrei, not sure if you saw my message - i will repost it here:

When I see some mistake on site page (for example, i noticed the price is wrong on product page) as administrator I need to to do the following:

1)copy the product name/sku
2)enter the admin
3)open the product list
4)search for the right product
5)click edit link
6)finally edit it

This is too clumsy...

I wish it will be some link near the "admin" link on Frontend like "edit entity" that will take me directly to the appropriate page on admin. That is, if the currently viewed page is:

the page  will be opened.

If currently viewed page is a blog than it will take me directly to edit blog entry page etc.

Hi Olga,

Thanks. But it already has been implemented in the upcoming version 3.80
8 years ago
embryo wrote:
Another minor enhancement I'd like to see would be to add a new navigation item in the customer account for "My Product Reviews."

It is important now because it is possible for customers to earn Reward Points for giving product reviews. Customers need an easy way to see a list of which products they have already reviewed.

This view would display a list of all reviews created by this customer. The list should include columns with Product name, Date Reviewed, and Current Approval Status (Approved/Disapproved/Pending). Maybe also include paging for list..some admins have many products.


Thanks, Steve. Please find this work item here
8 years ago
As of now, web development is all about js frameworks e.g MEAN, Meteor, React ... to name a few.. I don't say MS stack is bad but it costs too much, let alone sql server and consume memory a lot.

I hardly can do anything with a windows VPS at ~ $10-15/month because there's not enough memory.
Moreover, IIS deep integration into Windows core really sucks as you have to upgrade/buy new license in order to keep up to date to the latest web tech. For example: HTTP/2 only works on IIS 10, that's an important update but you cannot get it with anything less than win 10/win server 2016.  

So glad that the .net mvc team listens, .net Core 1 will be able to run on Kestrel web app server which is platform independent.  Just get rid of Sql server, move to mongodb and use a js framework for client UX like React, and scale with Nginx.  Imagine to draw huge attention from js developers to jump on the same boat, it would gain more traction.

Just my thoughts.
8 years ago
One more small enhancement which would be very helpful:

On Admin >> Customers >> Edit screen >> Reward Points tab, it would be very helpful if there was also a way to remove reward points from the customer account. Either similar to the current "Add Points" form, or maybe just a in-line delete button on each row of the list of points customer has earned.

Currently, the only solution is to find the record in the database table and delete it manually...which is very tedious.
8 years ago
I feel so stupid.
I did not realize the "Add Points form accepted negative values until a minute after I posted this suggestion... (embarassed)

Maybe, however, it would be wise to change the button text to "Add/Remove Points" so admins like me understand that the form can do both tasks.
8 years ago
Thanks. Please find this work item here
8 years ago
marc wrote:
What is the best Visual Studio to use for 3.80 - I had a problem loading the .csproj file for the Nop.Web project with Visual Studio 2015 Community, should I try with Visual Studio 2013?

I have had to downgrade to Visual Studio 2012.

can I just ask before I try again, is anyone using the free visual studio 2015 community with the nopcomemrce version available on github?
8 years ago
Hi Marc

This is a bit off subject, but VS2013 should be fine to do everything you need at the moment, when you get the 3.80 final version in August it may be worth giving it try with VS2015 then.
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