Developer roadmap - 1. Moving to MVC. Your thoughts.

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13 years ago

In the Entity Class ActivityLogType please remove the property ActivityLogTypeId, you already have a property Id in the BaseEntity. Same for ActivityLog with ActivityLogId

13 years ago
paliktar wrote:

In the Entity Class ActivityLogType please remove the property ActivityLogTypeId, you already have a property Id in the BaseEntity. Same for ActivityLog with ActivityLogId


Done, thanks!
13 years ago

Is there going to be a tutorial on extending NopCommerce 2.0 any time soon.
I would like to update my code before NopCommerce finally is released.

Looking through the actual code it seems to me that extending and overriding original NopCommerce code will be rather easy.
Each new assembly should simply implement an IDependencyRegistar class whose Register method registers a service. I imagine that would allow to reregister an existing service.
Question is, in what order are the Registars traversed, and which service is resolved if two different assemblies register different implementations of the same interface?


Bojan Hrnkas
13 years ago
bojan.hrnkas wrote:
Is there going to be a tutorial on extending NopCommerce 2.0 any time soon.


bojan.hrnkas wrote:
Question is, in what order are the Registars traversed...

Thanks for suggestion. We'll add 'Order' property to 'IDependencyRegistar' interface. It'll allow you to register dependencies in a certain order.

bojan.hrnkas wrote:
...and which service is resolved if two different assemblies register different implementations of the same interface?

The latest registration will override the previous one
13 years ago
thought wrote:

Hey Paliktar,

Are you interested in sharing the nHibernate code? I am assuming you have this running with another DB rather than SQL Server?

I have put a fork on codeplex with the nHibernate implementation.

13 years ago
paliktar wrote:
I have put a fork on codeplex with the nHibernate implementation.

Already answered you by email. By let me copy my response here:

"Just received a notification your pull request. Good job and great contribution! Thanks! But unfortunately we’ll not include it in the official release. The only reason is that maintaining several ORM providers will be quite hard. But this contribution can be added on our extensions page"
12 years ago
Browsing the 2.0 code I found that for Inversion of Control you are using Autofac instead of Ninject, I haven't worked with Autofac so I don't know the advantages of it, but doesn't Ninject integrate better with MVC and it's faster since it doesn't use reflection ?? Just a question out of curiosity

BTW it's so good to see the code now in ASP.NET MVC, everything is lighter and MUCH CLEAR, it's so good to get rid of webforms and those pesky user controls !!
12 years ago
progresivo wrote:
but doesn't Ninject integrate better with MVC?

I like Autofac much more. There're a lot of comparisons between them (just google).
12 years ago
progresivo wrote:
Browsing the 2.0 code I found that for Inversion of Control you are using Autofac instead of Ninject, I haven't worked with Autofac so I don't know the advantages of it, but doesn't Ninject integrate better with MVC and it's faster since it doesn't use reflection ??

I don’t think Autofac is necessarily slower performance-wise but it is a little more work to do the same as Ninject 2.0.3.  I've used both Autofac and Ninject and I prefer Ninject, but it's just that, a preference.  

I'm very exited at how this project is turning out with MVC, keep up the good work!
12 years ago
I can't wait any updated time table for production?  Are images going to be added for Recently Viewed section?  How to pass the total order amount to Adwords?

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